The Triumphant Agent Podcast Podcast
The Triumphant Agent Podcast
The Triumphant Agent
Fishing in Your Real Estate Business - episode of The Triumphant Agent Podcast podcast

Fishing in Your Real Estate Business

10 minutes Posted Nov 5, 2019 at 8:35 pm.
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Welcome to another edition of your weekly coaching calls. This week... we have something fun ready for you!

This was a quick clip taken as I was introducing my new e-course "How I turned $500 in advertising into 195 Closed Sales and $1.5M in less than 12 months". 

As I was playing it back, I started diving into the concept of "Fishing" in your real estate business. And, how fast your business can change once you catch a "fish". 

Both of these concepts are HUGE for your real estate business, so had to share it!


Your Coach,

Nicky T