The Transformation Blueprint Podcast
The Transformation Blueprint
Paul Stennett
028 Taking Huge Risks in the Face of Adversity with Garth Walker - episode of The Transformation Blueprint podcast

028 Taking Huge Risks in the Face of Adversity with Garth Walker

33 minutes Posted Sep 5, 2018 at 8:00 am.
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Show notes

It’s easy to take things for granted once they start to feel like the norm. We forget that they weren’t always there and that they could actually be gone one day.

Louis CK makes this joke about travelling by plane. He says it’s one of the most marvellous inventions of the last century (* I know the first flight was 1903, this sounds better *), yet we’re totally over it when the Wi-Fi on our flight doesn’t work.

We’ve come to accept as the norm, the increased focus and transparency on entrepreneurship and the business landscape in Jamaica. But it wasn’t always that way and many of those strides were made by Wealth Magazine and Business Access TV.

Garth Walker has co-founded many companies in many niches. From Creative Media & Events to Adam and Eve Day Spa, Wealth Magazine, Wealth Access Financial, Business Access TV, Growth Tech and I’m sure there are more to come. He’s a true entrepreneur who has taken massive risks, even in the face of what seemed to be a failure, when many others would have faltered.

In this episode we talk about:

  • How to create balance in your entrepreneurial endeavours,
  • How to take action on an idea that revolutionizes your niche,
  • How to live a rich life while taking big risks in business,
  • And so much more!

Check out the show notes at


Book Recommendation:Who Moved My Cheese – Spencer Johnson


Connect with Garth: Instagram – @WealthDiddyBusiness Access TV Website – http://batvja.comBusiness Access TV Instagram – @business_access_tv


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Paul Stennett is an entrepreneur, speaker, CEO and Co-Founder of Amazing Gains, a podcast consulting company, helping coaches, consultants and experts create and grow engaging and profitable podcasts.

As the host of The Transformation Blueprint podcast, his mission it to transform positive ambition into exponential growth. Through the podcast, he interviews inspiring impact makers to extract the lessons, tools, and experiences 9-5 working professionals can use to transform their future through entrepreneurship.

Connect with me and let me know what you thought of this episode:



Producer – Alexandra Stennett Host – Paul Stennett Editors – Amazing Gains Videographer – Nigel Austin Location provided by Bookophilia Video recording provided by Muse Agency

Music licensed from Audioblocks and Audiojungle