The Titletown Uncut Podcast Podcast

The Titletown Uncut Podcast

TitleTown Uncut
The TitleTown Uncut Podcast is a podcast for Packers and sports fan alike. We speak on many different topics of sports in a uncensored way. Wanna contact us? Jarrod: @TitletownReign Cole: @NextLvLPack Nick: @NBDNick05
The TItleTown Uncut Podcast: 53 man roster predictions
Nick and Jarrod predict the Packers final 53 man roster!
Sep 5, 2020
50 min
The Titletown Uncut Podcast: The First of many
On the very first edition of the TitleTown Uncut Podcast, Jarrod, Cole and Nick talk about the strengths, weaknesses of the Packers and what they thought of Free Agency and the Draft! Keep in touch with the crew at @TitletownReign @NextLvLPack and @NBDNick05. Thank you for listening! See you next week! 
Aug 7, 2020
1 hr 5 min