The Titanium Physicists Podcast
The Titanium Physicists Podcast
Brachiolope Media Network
Episode 24: Higgs In A Blanket
42 minutes Posted Oct 14, 2012 at 1:11 pm.
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Zounds! What Fun!

So when I started the show, everyone was like "HEY BEN! DO A SHOW ON THE HIGGS"

and i was like "No, it's boring and hard to explain and they aren't even going to find it anyway."

then they found it and everyone was like "Hey Ben! Do a show on the higgs!"

and i was like "ugh, I need to do at least four episodes. One on particle decay, one on particel detectors, one on the higgs field, and then maybe a detailed on on how they found it. but that's hard..."

anyway. So. here's a show on the Higgs field. It's how everything gets mass. kind of. we're in tip of the iceberg territory here.


Today's physicists are Tia Miceli, and Matt Buckley.

and our guest today is Greg Proops, The smartest man in the world
