The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
Grieve Losses and Celebrate Gains
22 minutes Posted Mar 26, 2018 at 8:00 am.
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Losses are painful.  No way around it.  They are also normal. Or to say it differently, loss is a normal part of life.  Not an anomalie.  Part of being alive.

And loss leads to grief.  That is our natural reaction to any loss.  Big grief or small grief -- that is simply how we process a loss, so that we can re-weave life and continue.

Sometimes, we get caught up in the "unfairness" of a loss, and we get stuck in the grief. In the process, we lose out on life.  We fail to celebrate the gains that also are a part of life.

Think of these three stages throughout your life.  We have a certain orientation to life -- we understand what life is about... until something changes -- a loss or a gain.  And then, we experience disorientation.  The process of grieving and celebrating brings us to a new orientation -- a re-orientation.  Not the same as before.  But not necessarily worse than before.  Just different than before.

So, rule #4 is to grieve your losses and celebrate your gains.  Listen for details below.

#1 Let Fear Point, Not Direct
#2 Be Present In The  Present
#3 Accept the Past and Revise the Future