The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
Parenting Toward Your Goal
19 minutes Posted Oct 16, 2017 at 8:00 am.
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Start with where you want to end.  Always a good plan for any trip.  Including the long-range trip of parenting.  We need to know where we want to go, if we want any hope of getting there.

This week, we close out the series on Raising Thriving Children with a few reflections and final thoughts.  And the first comes straight from Stephen Covey:  "Start with the end in mind."

And then course-correct as you go!  Because that is part of good navigation.  It isn't a straight path.  Clarity of the destination is important.  Being exactly on-track is not so important.

As you are going through those stages, remember this:  Parenting is always toward your own obsolescence.  Your task as a parent is to make yourself unnecessary (not absent, just not needed).  We are here to raise self-sufficient, capable people.  And that requires recognizing that parenting is toward obsolescence.

I provide 5 final thoughts in this week's podcast.

Raising Thriving Children Series
Eggs, Balls, And Turtles
The Important Influence On Children
Ingredients To Thriving Children
Antidote To A Narcissistic World
Teaching Thrive Principles To Kids
Shift From Expectation To Agreement