The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
Eggs, Balls, And Turtles
28 minutes Posted Sep 4, 2017 at 8:00 am.
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Summer has flown by!  Here we are, already at Labor Day in the States.  That kind of marks the end of summer for many.  Most schools are back in session and schedules start to be a wee bit more important.  Structure returns.

And parenting may be ratcheted up just a bit.

It's a great time to be thinking some about your hopes and goals of your parenting.  I'm guessing that your hope is NOT to be the rescuer for life.  Maybe more like coaching from the sidelines while the kids run their plays.

Or maybe like volunteer turtle patrols.

Know what I mean?

If not, maybe a listen to this week's podcast will clarify for you.  Remember, there are two models of viewing kids:  Eggs or Balls.  I'm leaning toward balls.

Let's think about it in this week's podcast, below.

Raising Thriving Children Series