The Tactical Kitchen Show Podcast

The Tactical Kitchen Show

Steve & Melody Barrons- Ketogenic Diet Specialists
The Ketogenic Diet is the most effective weapon in the battle for your health.
#102 We have BIG news!
On today's show we have a big announcement so make sure you hang with us until the end! I'm posting a surprise link below! Be sure and take a peak! Get a SNEAK PEAK here! Get our FREE Carnivore Chicken Crust Pizza Recipe here! Eat Fat and Prosper! Steve and Melody
Apr 12, 2021
38 min
#101 Are You Being the Change?
We have lost some very important people to us over the last few months. Losing someone important seems to result in self-reflection. Over the last several weeks we have, again, asked ourselves if we are the change we want to see in the world. In today's episode we are chatting about that topic. It's a good question to ask. Am I being the change? Our book Carnivore Diet Cookbook: 6 Weeks of Meal Plans and Recipes to Reset and Achieve Optimal Health is going on sale May 11, 2021! We will keep you up to date on information about pre-orders! We are so excited to share this with you guys! We have a free recipe for you that was not included in our cookbook! To get the FREE Chicken Crust Carnivore Pizza recipe just click here! Eat Fat and Prosper! Steve and Melody
Mar 29, 2021
37 min
#100 Where We’ve Been and How to Start Anything
It's been a while. During the holiday season life took a severe turn and I (Melody) lost one of the most important people in my life. We appreciate your patience as we took a very long hiatus to allow me to get my self together, finish writing a book, grieve, and just have some time uncoupled from a few extra this podcast. Sometimes you have to let things go and just regroup. That's exactly what we have done. Thank you so much for being here. Our first time back in the podcaster seat may be a little bumpy. We had several computer challenges while recording this. But that's life right! We hope to rekindle our relationship with you my friend. As always, we are candidly sharing our journey with you. Our mistakes, our failures, our victories, our challenges, and our successes. Eat Fat and Prosper! Steve and Melody
Mar 9, 2021
34 min
#99 The Virus Vaccine
...Oh and we are talking about sweet potatoes. Sounds a little like we're all over the map right! We are just two health advocates sharing our journey and how we navigate the carnivore lifestyle. So join us while we discuss sweet potatoes and vaccinations? We mentioned the KetoMojo in the show. If you want an easy way to purchase just go here.
Dec 21, 2020
39 min
#98 Get Off the Hamster Wheel
Every holiday season we hear the stories from friends, clients. and even our own personal experiences, about getting stuck in a rut on the proverbial hamster wheel. How do we stay on plan during this time of year? Especially this year, because 2020 has been a real challenge! With gyms being closed for some and stay at home orders that can even interfere with outdoor activity it's difficult to get on a program and make it stick. The holidays are a time when it's easy to get derailed in our dietary strategy too! How can we make sure that one off-plan day doesn't turn into an off-plan month, or two? Check out the website we mention to find Raw Milk in your state: We hope everyone of you enjoys your Thanksgiving holiday! Meet us back here next week! Eat Fat and Prosper! Steve and Melody
Nov 23, 2020
33 min
Activating The Immune System
Check out today's episode where we discuss ways to activate your immune system that have nothing to do with food. We provide a few simple tips to boost your overall well being which can be incorporated regardless of your fitness level or where you live. Take a moment today and leave us simple review on iTunes. We make every effort to share our honest experience of incorporating the ketogenic and carnivore diet for individuals over 50 years of age. Well, at least one of us is over 50. Follow us on Instagram here. Eat Fat and Prosper! Steve and Melody
Nov 16, 2020
37 min
#96 Carnivore, Dairy and Dawn Phenomenon
We are back to posting episodes each Monday! This has been such a strange time in the world and we need some consistency. We are hitting a few topics that continually come up within conversations with clients today. Can I have dairy?What should I test my Blood Glucose?Why is my Blood Glucose high in the morning?How to best take advantage of the "Dawn Phenomenon" I mentioned an article that contains a study associated with the consumption of dairy and viruses. Specifically respiratory viruses. Here it is for you to read and see what you think. Immune Benefits of Whey Protein Please keep in mind when reading this article that what is found in natural raw unprocessed milk is the preferred choice for us. Get a KetoMojo! Knowing this information is so helpful! We mention Dr. Ben Bikman's book Why We Get Sick on several occasions. Please check out his Instagram and get the book for yourself! You won't regret it. And keep up with us on Instagram here! Until next week. EAT FAT AND PROSPER Steve and Melody
Oct 19, 2020
35 min
#95 We’re Back on High Fat Keto
It's been a while! How are you guys? We appreciate all the inquiries about the podcast during our hiatus. It has been a strange year for us all. Let's just talk about how much fat we are eating! That's much more fun. If you don't already follow us on Instagram head over to our page and check out our Instagram Stories. That's where I'm posting daily about ketone and blood glucose readings (using my KetoMojo) along with over sharing about food and workouts. You'll get a high fat daily dose of The TK on IG! Melody's Ketone and Blood Glucose taken on KetoMojo from 1 October 2020 A higher fat keto diet has proved to be very helpful for athletic performance. That's something we chat about on today's episode. I love doing CrossFit style workouts and my workouts have been fairly demanding lately. This way of eating has not only helped keep my energy level high, it has also allowed me to recover extremely quickly and get good restorative sleep. We mention Dr. Benjamin Bikman a few times in this episode. If you don't follow him, check out his Instagram here. Until next time. Eat fat and prosper Steve and Melody Remember to schedule your 15 Minute Complimentary Consultation. We have space for you! Upcoming Speaking Events: Fall into Fitness Nutrition Seminar: Location: CrossFit Lackland San Antonio, Texas When: Saturday, 24 October 2020 Time: TBA
Oct 8, 2020
35 min
#94 Keto Kids and Questions
This is a little personal for us today. We are talking about our grandsons going on a Keto Diet. We also answer a couple of questions brought up by our last episode about Keto Basics. Thanks for tuning in and hanging with us! Eat fat and prosper! Steve and Melody To schedule a 15 Minute Complimentary Consult go here!
Jun 1, 2020
37 min
#93 Keto Basics
Ya Basic! Sometimes we just need a little refresher. Today we are sharing how we initiate some easy steps for a Keto Newbie. We learned the hard way about throwing too much information at someone at once. Let's keep things simple! Stick to the BASICS! The big changes. Those micro changes will come in time. But if you've been living this high fat lifestyle for a while, this is still for you! We all need a little encouragement sometimes. If you're looking for extra support on your health journey concerning the Keto or Carnivore Diet, we currently have a few openings for new clients. We offer Nutritional Therapy and Online Personal Training with weekly appointments and daily support through our TK App! To find out if what we offer is right for you, take advantage of our no commitment 15 Minute Complimentary Consultation. We would love to work with you. Eat fat and prosper Steve and Melody
May 18, 2020
40 min
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