via Podcasts
Questionable advertising
You hurt your credibility when you make questionable claims (seed oils) or misuse scripture (cleanse your hands…) or make silly statements(drip … not your babies) in your advertising
Some political conclusions don’t quite add up
Actually a decent podcast but once in a while when one of the hosts go into the political foray they’ll make statements such as “any Christian who supports a democrat, supports the platform and that’s sin because it involves abortion.” I understand the logic but sadly, no party or political candidate(either Republican or democrat) follows a platform to a T and that’s especially for a voter. Christians sadly are in a bind with American political parties; either one that supports abortion or one that heralds a sinner convicted of crimes to cover adultery. Sometimes when it’s two choices, you’re going to sin. But assuming one is going to sin voting democrat and the other voting republican is not, is wrong. We all are sinning in the political atmosphere and sadly, Christians can’t seem to find better men and women to lead this nation. I stopped listening sadly after that particular statement from a host.
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Pastors Asleep
Seems that the flock is very awake on these cultural issues that affect the church but many pastors remain asleep or lack courage to speak.
Volume of Pastor Tom’s mic
My only critique of this show, and it has nothing to do with any of the content or guests, is that out of all the podcasts I listen to, only this one has a host that is very difficult to hear. Pastor Tom speaks low, and his mic must also be at a low volume because it is very difficult to hear at times. If this could be fixed, I’d put down a five star review! Thanks again for y’all’s service, Pastor Tom and Graham, please maintain your faithfulness to the gospel truth!
Best regards,
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Quinticus Maximus
Lazy theology
Good example of culturally and personally informed view of scripture vs scripture informing the worldview. Disappointing for “church elders”.
Biblically Solid and Engaging
I thoroughly enjoy this edify podcast and look forward to every episode.
I appreciate the stands the Founders takes!
A gift
Founders Ministry is a gift from God.
Founders is terrific
Really appreciate Founders and their commitment to look st the world through the lens of the Bible. Thankful for their faithful stand for truth.
Tj B86
Solid brothers!
Solid theology, unwavering commitment to the gospel
So encouraged by these faithful men
Have loved hearing these men speak on the events of our day. I am always convicted by how careful and gentle they are to really call anyone out— but they are also unafraid of stating the truth, with the hope that it calls their brothers and sisters in the faith to repentence. Really appreciate their work here. Particularly encouraging that though I respect so many churches who have stepped away from the SBC, and understand why they have; Tom Ascoll faithfully keeps calling to the SBC the truths that God has given us and hopes for a better day for the SBC.
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Whitewashed sepulchers
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”
—Matthew 23:27 (KJV)
The Last Gentleman
Just more smooth talking cherry pickers
Cherry-picking, smooth talking judges while horse-blinders. By their fruit, you see them for who they really are.
Christ Centered
Nowadays it’s so hard to find good, wholesome, and Christ centered podcasts. Thank you for providing us with such enriching episodes 🙏🏼
Melii R.
Great show
I appreciate their clarity of thought and their convictions.
Excellent faithful and bold for the truth!
I really appreciate these men and their boldness with God’s truth. They do not shy away from controversial topics that are harming churches. My wife and I have been so blessed by this podcast.
These men aren’t afraid
This is one of my favorite podcasts—as a mother of young children, I’m heartened by the boldness of the conversations and the arguments made for truth that our culture really needs right now. Every time I see a new episode title, I just want to clap and give these guys a steak dinner. They’re that good!
Fantastic. Biblical . Truthful .
Holy BoldNESS!
Biblical worldview.
A good reminder see that as Christians we are supposed to be DIFFERENT than the world.
Really eye-opening and amazing!
A wonderful podcast that explores various topics from a bibilical worldview. Founders Ministries is a wonderful gift from God. I can not recommend them enough. Keep it up!
They really like their school
Be careful to condemn so many others in your attempt to be perfect in your theology.
So Grateful for this Podcast!!
I truly appreciate both of you, the Sword and the Trowel has been a true blessing to both my husband and I during this lockdown. We thank you for all the hard topics and important issues you’ve been so graciously willing to cover. May God continue to bless the advancement and growth of both this Podcast as well as the Ezra Institute. We desperately need sound biblical preaching in our Pulpits!!
Thanks again Lord Bless
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Blessed by Grace Alone
So helpful!
I discovered the Sword and the Trowel during the time my church was completely closed down due to government mandates. I thank God for it and all I have learned from it. I’ve purchased many of their resources and many resources they recommend and these also have been of tremendous benefit to my spiritual growth. These two brothers always point us to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.
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COVID 19 Vaccine Episode
Excellent episode! SO encouraged me to submit, pray, and act biblically. Thank you Pastors!
Love this often brief, but always excellent and thoughtful podcast!
Hi Guys!
I just started listening to learn more about Pastor Jimmy Coates. I have been encouraged by the stance you all are taking. We are with you here in North Carolina!
I also want to suggest that you publish an email address and a physical address where we can send letters of encouragement to the Coates family as well as apply pressure to the Canadian Government in doing what is just and right.
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Holy Ears
We need more men like this
I’m thankful for this podcast as it is Biblically sound and helpful for Christians navigating our culture. They are bold yet humble in how they present arguments in the issues we face (and must address) as a Church to the secular world.
Frenchbox by the sea
New Listener
Doctrinally sound and doesn’t pull any punches. Doesn’t follow “trends” and “fads” when it comes to Christianity, only doubles down on what the gospel says.
Excellent Content!
Rich, doctrinally sound podcast! Fast becoming a favorite.
T buggy
Reformed, honest, setting the bar.
Big Lewdog
Fighting the Good Fight
It’s always informative to hear from Tom and Jared about current and historical events that are important to our Christian heritage. Growing up Southern Baptist I never heard about our reformed history. My great great grandfather donated the land for two Southern Baptist churches and I keep up with what’s going on even though I left the denomination years ago. I go to a Reformed Baptist Church and was amazed that the SBC has reformed Baptist inside the denomination. It’s ashamed that the SBC for the most part left their roots years ago!
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Cardinal One
Biblical Church Health
With so many people measuring church health in pragmatic ways, it’s refreshing to have a ministry dedicated to BIBLICAL church health.
Sound doctrine + great conversations
Salt of the earth was the first thing that came to mind (Matthew 5:13). Very well done and deeply rooted in the only truth that sets us free.
Outstanding Biblical Perspectives
The world is a crazy place, and if you want to make any sense of it, you need to see it through the lens of the Christian Bible. This is a great podcast to do that with.
Philip Heard
Good show if you need common sense !
Not sure how much I like the patronizing. But maybe some young folk can learn here...
Outstanding Biblical Discussions
With so many erroneous voices today it’s hard to know who to listen to if you’re not, yourself, rooted and grounded in the Word of God. The Sword & The Trowel is a podcast that you can trust to give you the truth according to God’s Word - not an opinion. I HIGHLY recommend them! They will keep you updated on all pertinent issues of the day from a biblical perspective. I’m so thankful for them and their stand for righteousness- much, much needed!!
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Great Content
If you want to hear a podcast with a genuine Biblical world view and the Gospel being upfront and foremost, this is a good one to have...the content is great. From how scripture speaks into our culture today to specific book reviews, Pastor Tom and Jared are seeking to care for God’s people in an authentic way.
Valuable and Timely
Founders are doing some of the best work in fighting the downgrade of evangelicalism. They have sounded a call in the SBC, and are fighting against the infiltration of liberalism, critical race theory, and Marxism.
I would also recommend checking out their website. They have a number of excellent articles on a whole host of doctrinal and theological issues!
Great cast
So much good teaching and clarification. I found our local reformed church through founders and was so excited to hear when they announced this podcast was gonna happen. I have not been disappointed.
By His standard!!!
I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for Founders ministries and the consistent way they point us back to the scriptures in all things above human traditions!
Chris Huff
Excellent Content For The Discerning SBCer
Great podcast. The hosts are fantastic. I always come away wanting read more which is great. My only note it for some reason the sound is very low compared to other shows I listen to. Maybe a quick editing fix?
Timely Content
I have been listening to Founders for a few months now. I am constantly kept abreast of the latest content and things relevant to the Church today. Thanks for the timely and well thought out content that is provided.
Great content
Founders is a great ministry with wonderful guys. Good podcast. Great content. Spot on. As a 1689er...I’m enjoying it. Keep bringing the 🔥!
Helpful, humble, Biblical
Really appreciate this God-glorifying Christ-centered podcast!
Great but...
These two mostly certainly are individuals after Gods heart, but I personally feel that some of this things that they have said (especially about politics) could use another viewpoint and I think having Christians on the podcast with different viewpoints would provide listeners with an opportunity to understand how others think rather than being told how to think.
Highly recommended
For clear content, timely topics and interesting insights, you will find no better podcast.
On the go-to podcast list
Phenomenal podcast that is full of great content. These two guys provide a great resource for any listener striving to grow in their faith and their knowledge of how to interact with a secular culture as a gospel believer.
Excellent and Practical
These podcasts are very helpful, timely, and varied in topics. I always learn something from Pastor Tom...and Jared too. Keep it up! Keep being faithful and uplifting.
Great Podcast!
This has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. The format is consistent. They talk about issues of the day, offer great book reviews and cover Biblical commands. I definitely recommended this podcast and ministry! Founders resources have been very helpful to me.
Recovery of the Gospel and Reformation of local churches
I’m a town with no reformed Baptist churches, I’ve been able to learn about the faith from these faithful and funny brothers. Give it a listen!
Quality podcast
Really enjoy this podcast
Love the Biblical studies and sermons