A story of a Psychologist who encounters a client with an intriguing hallucination of one of schizophrenia's symptoms. Because of its imagination, hallucination, beliefs, he brings fear yet awareness because of his 'FRIEND' yet who can't see, is 'he a good one or a bad one?
Story Link: https://www.reddit.com/user/SignedSyledDelivered
Credits to the Background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocS4JTgNjLo&list=PLt4ZkJ3lYmFX8l2wvjMGfNS0tZXZse2LY&index=9
Aug 4, 2021
26 min

Welcome to the dark side! Wondering why The Super Girl Podcast is changing to Babaylang Lagim, Ever since I was a child here in the Philippines, I'm always fascinated by every scary story circulating around our country especially when it comes to 'pamahiin' 'urban legends' 'mga kasabihan'. It ticks my interest in why this occurs, when it originates, how this happens, and what will happen if you encounter this. But a little twist not just myths, stories but also murders that occur in my country that make great history in the Philippines, wherein it gives horror and shivers after a long decade.
Thanks to the wide variety of sites and the internet hold we get to experience the people what their experience. If you have a story dying to share the world feel free to send it on my gmail account. [email protected] or on my Instagram account @mae.dich. Please join us , but better be alone to met the right experience, but the real question is 'Are you really alone?'
Aug 3, 2021
2 min