via Podcasts
Sound Doctrine
Pastor JD - Thank you for your faithfulness to the call. I listen to your sermons each week and the other pastor’s as well. The one June 6th on Paul’s thorn was beyond timely in my life. My kids and grandkids live in Wake Forest, and I always encourage them to PLEASE visit Summit Church!! ( PS my son is also a Nicholas Cage fan )
Farmers in VA
This sermon series, this entire channel actually, has been a tremendous blessing. I was really discouraged and downtrodden and I stumbled upon this channel, looking for something to lift me up and bring me back on the right track and this helped me get back in line to where I needed to be. Please keep the sermons coming and stay strong in the Lord.
JD is legit
Great solid interesting teaching.
My favorite podcast
J.D. Greear is one of the best preachers of this generation. I have learned so much from him about my Savior, through this podcast.
Love listening...
J.D. is my favorite pastor to listen to. As a pastor myself, I love the truth spoken as I’m driving around!
Alan-Michael Sprinkle
You will not be bored
I used to attend this church, but I moved away five years ago and enjoy the podcasts still. JD is great at blending humor and great interpretation of scripture together to keep me interested. He is great at explaining difficult concepts. The sermons will stick in your head, and they will enrich your life.
If you're looking for sermons to listen to, download his starting in January and give them a shot. He started then with a plan to go through the bible in one year.
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Fantastic engaging scriptural teaching
JD Greear is a fantastic teacher. He explains principles in an organized and engaging manner that helps turn scriptural concepts in daily application without being hard to understand. If we break it down for a minute, it's really hard to achieve all of those points at once-- organized, his teachings are well laid out, stay on topic, and don't take too many tangents; engaging, he's fun to listen to and keeps your attention; daily application, how many times do we listen to sermons with little clue where to start applying it in daily life? Easy to understand, he breaks it all down into bite size chunks we can manage. I did say scritpural, right-- meaning he bases his teachings on scripture, not public, local, or personal opinions. I have yet to find a better resource for learning the bible and applying it in my daily life. In fact, I've shared his podcasts with other people, some by cutting cd's and giving them to friends, only to hear back that they are listening to JD's sermons repeatedly. The man is a gifted and blessed teacher of God's word.
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Don't collect my data!
Great preaching
I have listened to almost every podcast from the Summit Church going back about two years now. It has been enormously helpful in my life and in my ministry efforts. I go to a different church, and this is a great supplement to what I learn there. I love how JD relentlessly centers everything around the Gospel, and he does it with tons of helpful information, not to mention jokes and funny stories.
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Great Podcast
Thoroughly enjoy listening to the podcast. I love the a ability to listen to other preachers/teachers so easily.
JD does an excellent job in making the Scriptures come alive and making it relate to this current generation. Don't miss what I am saying, he is not changing Scripture, but merely making it relate. I highly recommend listening to this podcast from Summit Church.
Additional Podcasts
You guys should post the message from August 19th 2012 entitled "Practical Christianity" Hebrews 13:1-25. Podcasts are easy to share with people who don't necessarily have time to sit and watch a message/ don't want to. You should also post the series from august 2008 "Why I'm not a Christian". these would be great ones to share!
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