The Tradesman Podcast Podcast
The Tradesman Podcast
John Clarke
Increase Your Productivity In Your Trades Business - episode of The Tradesman Podcast podcast

Increase Your Productivity In Your Trades Business

13 minutes Posted Jan 5, 2021 at 8:57 pm.
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Hey, it's John here, it's more important than ever to be on our productivity. In this episode, I share with you some of the tips and learnings of how to be more productive in 2021.

I hope everybody had a fantastic festive period and I wish everybody a happy New Year.

It is a really strange world we living in right now but if we all stick together and help one another out we can get through this.

Thank you for listening to the podcast and supporting the show don't forget to leave a review and share his podcast with somebody who would benefit from it.

If you have any questions or you would like me to reach out to you please email me [email protected]

You can follow me on Instagram @JohnClarkeUK - @tradesmanbusinessmentor

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