The Sportsman Drag Racing Podcast w/ Luke & Jed
The Sportsman Drag Racing Podcast w/ Luke & Jed
Luke Bogacki & Jared Pennington
Episode 072: Justin Lamb on fire, Armed Forces Racing
1 hour 21 minutes Posted Apr 11, 2018 at 10:21 am.
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In this episode, the guys got the unique opportunity to catch up with Jeff Lambert, the president of Armed Forces Racing.  Jeff shared his unique path into drag racing and how he has intertwined his passion for our sport with his military background to genuinely impact the lives of veterans.  In addition, Luke & Jed recapped the week that was, which was highlighted by stellar performances by sportsman competitors from coast to coast.  They also previewed this week’s SFG Powerball event in Jackson, SC and even spent a little time rehashing the Masters.