Chris Jordan Media
I am so happy to be sharing this super personal journey through my favorite medium in sound. I preach to media practitioners that I mentor and train, that they need to start narratives that no one has demanded, requested, or shown a direct need for – but rather pro-actively view the world around them, step in, and tell a story that they didn’t know the world around them, wanted to be told. Please enjoy this "broadcast-ography" (so to speak) with me. And I hope it touches a comfortable, personal, private, and loved space in your own life. #onelove
The First Lady of Germiston "An On-Air Special: Viv talks Dis-Motivation on 91.9FM"
Welcome to a shockingly empowering new podcast series, "The First Lady of Germiston: Life According to the Chaotic Order of Viv Vermaak". Viv is an award-winning spokesperson and acclaimed journalist with a heightened sense of existence, with a raw, truthful, and poetic approach to living life while embracing the chaos that surrounds you. In this mini-series, I seek to expose life, according to the chaotic order that Viv permeates, as she breaks open linear think-pieces like race, liberalism, reverse ubuntu, group-think, culture, and the literal sparks of the universe around us. We got a chance to chat to Viv on air at 919 (91,9FM) with hosts Chris Jordan and Danae Gucci Lakay as we explore the movement of "Dis-Motivation" for the masses.
Jan 26, 2024
22 min
Who's Out There? Episode 6 Part 3 - A Christian and a Satanist Walk Into a Bar...
As this series is first and foremost a spiritual journey for me, and my growing Christian belief system, it only made sense that I set out to find a vocal mouthpiece for (according to the Bible) the "opposing" side. I was directed to Tristan Kapp, a loudly proactive Satanist, who happily sat down with me through this conversation where, quite literally, two worlds were to collide. In the final part of this episode, I get to ask Tristan about the road to Satanism. His story includes community alienation from his time as an active Christian and his emancipation journey to an occult lifestyle. For more on Tristan, his social media, written and community work follow
Jan 18, 2024
25 min
Who's Out There? Episode 6 Part 2 - A Christian and a Satanist Walk Into a Bar...
As this series is first and foremost a spiritual journey for me, and my growing Christian belief system, it only made sense that I set out to find a vocal mouthpiece for (according to the Bible) the "opposing" side. I was directed to Tristan Kapp, a loudly proactive Satanist, who happily sat down with me through this conversation where, quite literally, two worlds were to collide. In Part 2, I ask Tristan to share his criticism of religions across the board from Islamic to Buddhist practices. We also delve further into the conversation of "so-called Christians" propagating sin without repercussions through absolutes. For more on Tristan, his social media, written and community work follow
Jan 17, 2024
31 min
Who's Out There? Episode 6 Part 1 - A Christian and a Satanist Walk Into a Bar...
As this series is first and foremost a spiritual journey for me, and my growing Christian belief system, it only made sense that I set out to find a vocal mouthpiece for (according to the Bible) the "opposing" side. I was directed to Tristan Kapp, a loudly proactive Satanist, who happily sat down with me through this conversation where, quite literally, two worlds were to collide. In this part, Tristan sets several Satanic records, straight. But in the process, moves towards setting many (in his words) "pseudo-Christian" norms, back from off the beaten track. He claims fascist behavior and elite marginality are propagated by the Christians of this country and world. For more on Tristan, his social media, written and community work follow
Jan 16, 2024
31 min
The First Lady of Germiston "The 5th Ruling: Embrace Dis-Motivation"
Welcome to a shockingly empowering new podcast series, "The First Lady of Germiston: Life According to the Chaotic Order of Viv Vermaak". Viv is an award-winning spokesperson and acclaimed journalist with a heightened sense of existence, with a raw, truthful, and poetic approach to living life while embracing the chaos that surrounds you. In this mini-series, I seek to expose life, according to the chaotic order that Viv permeates, as she breaks open linear think-pieces like race, liberalism, reverse ubuntu, group-think, culture, and the literal sparks of the universe around us. Viv wants to send the world the message: You are average. The sooner you accept this reality, the better life you will lead. Over-inflated motivation is a human farce, and Viv has all the answers to a world that is meaningful in the harshest of ways. Follow Viv on Facebook at
Jan 6, 2024
26 min
The First Lady of Germiston "The 4th Ruling: Embrace Reverse-Ubuntu"
Welcome to a shockingly empowering new podcast series, "The First Lady of Germiston: Life According to the Chaotic Order of Viv Vermaak". Viv is an award-winning spokesperson and acclaimed journalist with a heightened sense of existence, with a raw, truthful, and poetic approach to living life while embracing the chaos that surrounds you. In this mini-series, I seek to expose life, according to the chaotic order that Viv permeates, as she breaks open linear think-pieces like race, liberalism, reverse ubuntu, group-think, culture, and the literal sparks of the universe around us. In Episode 4, I go head-to-head with Viv's reality of "Reverse-Ubuntu", the approach of segregating beyond the surface levels of race lines in South Africa, to get a job done. Viv does not mince words. She sheds new light on views of White privilege versus Black narratives, drops the whole approach, and lifts a color mantel of red, blue, and yellow - where everyone is classed according to action and reaction. Follow Viv on Facebook at
Jan 5, 2024
27 min
The First Lady of Germiston "The 3rd Ruling: Embrace the Emancipation"
Welcome to a shockingly empowering new podcast series, "The First Lady of Germiston: Life According to the Chaotic Order of Viv Vermaak". Viv is an award-winning spokesperson and acclaimed journalist with a heightened sense of existence, with a raw, truthful, and poetic approach to living life while embracing the chaos that surrounds you. In this mini-series, I seek to expose life, according to the chaotic order that Viv permeates, as she breaks open linear think-pieces like race, liberalism, reverse ubuntu, group-think, culture, and the literal sparks of the universe around us. Viv does not believe that anyone is unique or special. There is a method to her motivation. But I do not agree. Enjoy the conversation that is thrown about in episode 3. Is individualism a fabrication of narcissists? Is freedom of thought fiction? Follow Viv on Facebook at
Jan 4, 2024
9 min
The First Lady of Germiston "The 2nd Ruling: Embrace the Addiction"
Welcome to a shockingly empowering new podcast series, "The First Lady of Germiston: Life According to the Chaotic Order of Viv Vermaak". Viv is an award-winning spokesperson and acclaimed journalist with a heightened sense of existence, with a raw, truthful, and poetic approach to living life while embracing the chaos that surrounds you. In this mini-series, I seek to expose life, according to the chaotic order that Viv permeates, as she breaks open linear think-pieces like race, liberalism, reverse ubuntu, group-think, culture, and the literal sparks of the universe around us. In episode 2, Viv shares her raw journey of coming face-to-face with her life as an addict. Like most addicts, her change arose out of a health spiral, but staying on the road to sobriety was a psychological battle that challenged the norms of recovery. Viv is still working at becoming a being in her universe, which gains strength through scientific understanding first, and secondly, psycho-semantics of what chaos and destruction addiction has brought in her own life, and in that of others. Follow Viv on Facebook at
Jan 3, 2024
40 min
The First Lady of Germiston "The 1st Ruling: Embrace the Chaos"
Welcome to a shockingly empowering new podcast series, "The First Lady of Germiston: Life According to the Chaotic Order of Viv Vermaak". Viv is an award-winning spokesperson and acclaimed journalist with a heightened sense of existence, with a raw, truthful, and poetic approach to living life while embracing the chaos that surrounds you. In this mini-series, I seek to expose life, according to the chaotic order that Viv permeates, as she breaks open linear think-pieces like race, liberalism, reverse ubuntu, group-think, culture, and the literal sparks of the universe around us. In episode 1, we take quite a road trip. Starting from the rooftop view of Germiston, Viv then takes me on a search for the most infamous export of this legacy town, that's taken a new age beating. A ride to the house of serial killer Daisy de Melker. Daisy Louisa C. de Melker, simply known as Daisy de Melker, was a South African nurse who poisoned two husbands with strychnine for their life insurance money; she also poisoned her only son with arsenic for reasons that are still unclear. Driving around in her classic '69 Chevrolet Impala, we run through Viv's world views of equality, redefining racism, the decentralization of urban and suburban jungles to crime syndications, and the disempowerment of oneself through order within chaos. Enjoy the ride! Follow Viv on Facebook at
Dec 18, 2023
50 min
rAge Expo 2023 On The Ground, Gaming and Geeking Out
Team "The Sunday Revolution" Danae Lakay and I roamed the isles of the rAge Expo this year and got to chat with OG organizer Michael, NAG Owner Len Nery, Mara from the Autism is Awesome Foundation, and Jayden, a 14-year-old Diablo fan.
Dec 9, 2023
14 min
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