The Soul Booth Podcast

The Soul Booth

The Soul Booth
Welcome to The Soul Booth...a cozy corner that fosters meaningful conversation. The Soul Booth serves up a heaping helping of connection, authenticity, and inspiration - with the dynamic mission of discovering the ingredients to a happy and fulfilled life. Season Two Guests include Elizabeth Gilbert, Anne Berube, Rick Hansen and more.
A Conversation with Jenny Kierstead
In May of this year, Nova Scotia was rocked by the worst mass killing in Canadian history. We were already experiencing unprecedented fear and confusion because of the global Pandemic and resulting lockdown. Then, Colchester County became the epicentre of terror when 22 innocent people (including one pregnant woman) were murdered by a twisted gunman. The whole province was thrown into a state of grief, but for the families of those killed it was a true nightmare. Jenny Kierstead knows that all too well. Her beautiful sister Lisa McCully - a beloved teacher, and mother of two young children - was one of the victims.  Jenny joined me in the Soul Booth this week for this open-hearted conversation about her grief journey, and a touching remembrance of her big sister. Jenny is a yoga teacher with a large following - online and off - and her commitment to staying open to the pain of Lisa's death has a lot to teach us all.  You'll hear Jenny refer to a painting on my wall that took her breath I've used it as the cover photo.  You can experience more of Jenny's light at Thanks for listening. Stay safe, and stay tuned ! Nancy
Oct 31, 2020
1 hr 17 min
Silver Linings: A Conversation with Janice Landry
Gratitude, paying it forward, mentors, Impostor’s Syndrome, even a behind-the-scenes look at our relationships with some Maritime broadcasting legends…there’s a lot of territory covered in this conversation between two old friends. Decades before Janice Landry was an award winning author of five books, she was a young rookie reporter in the ATV newsroom with Nancy, and this chat will make you feel like you’re sitting in the Soul Booth with them. Janice published her first book in 2013, about the riveting 1978 rescue of a baby from a house fire. It was her father, Baz Landry, who carried that infant out of the flames (for which he won a National Medal of Bravery) and it was his career as a firefighter that inspired Janice’s new path as a writer and advocate for First Responders. Her latest book, Silver Linings is all about Gratitude and its power to create resilience in life-changing ways. As you’ll hear, it is dedicated to Janice’s mother, and our mutual friend Audrey Parker, who both died while Janice was writing the book. This was recorded just before the world changed in March, so Janice’s quote at the beginning of this episode seems eerily prophetic ! Enjoy :)
Sep 19, 2020
51 min
A Conversation About Race with Rachel Zellars
The past few months have brought into focus the lived experience of Black people in North America, and the protests that were triggered by George Floyd's murder have awakened a lot of us to the despicable lack of value attached to black lives by TOO many.  My poem, in the thumbnail of this episode, sums up for me how I have been feeling about it all…and I was supremely grateful for the conversation you’re about to hear.  I found out about the African Nova Scotian Freedom School recently in conversation with a friend, and when I reached out to the woman who came up with the idea, it became clear immediately that I wanted to help amplify her voice, and her message! Rachel Zellars is a lawyer and an Assistant Professor in the department of Social Justice & Community Studies at St. Mary’s University, and although she grew up in Baltimore, she was drawn to Nova Scotia because of our dynamic Black community and the history at its foundation. Now she’s contributing in a meaningful new way to forging a bright and powerful future, by helping to create a new month long online program for teenagers across the province. It’s aimed at teaching leadership skills that will “create ripples that will be wide and deep for many generations to come.” This conversation goes deep and wide as well. Rachel and I talk about the program and its goals, but we also get into her fascinating life experience, and the activism that has provided roots for the current BLM movement. Oh, and it gets emotional - ‘cause let’s be honest; you can’t have an authentic exchange on this subject without emotion!  I hope you enjoy this episode, and find it as meaningful as I do. And in the spirit of being part of the solution, I invite you to listen with an ear to how you might be able to help… In appreciation & love, Nancy
Jul 24, 2020
1 hr 15 min
Creating a Contribution Economy
Covid 19 has been a lot of things to a lot of people, and for many the lockdown has served up an opportunity to hit Reset in their lives. On this episode of the podcast Nancy sits down with Chaz Thorne and Paul MacInnis for a conversation about their vision for a contribution based economy, soul-centred entrepreneurship, and the opportunity to reinvent ourselves in a time of crisis.  “If the world puts you on a road you do not like, if you look ahead and do not want that destination which is being offered and you look behind and you do not want to return to your place of departure, step off the road. Build yourself a new path.” Maya Angelou, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings (1969)  You can find more information about Paul and Chaz’s upcoming projects at 
May 22, 2020
53 min
The Power Of Togetherness in Times of Great Uncertainty
Hello my Soul Booth friends. The world has changed radically since I posted my last podcast episode. What we’re going through now as a global community is unprecedented (in our lifetimes) and pretty damn scary ! On Monday morning, I reached out to my friend Anne Bérube to touch base, and to express my gratitude for how she has taught me to move through emotions - a practise that is saving my sanity these days! I also mentioned that I am feeling strongly that we are all called to service in this experience. We talked about hosting an online gathering to connect people - to each other, and to their own feelings of fear and sadness. What resulted was this conversation..and I can't remember ever being part of a group exchange that felt more needed, nourishing, and fortifying.  Thanks so much to Anne Bérubé for facilitating this virtual visit. May this demonstration of vulnerability and connectedness be a Calm Balm for many. Please…stay safe, and stay “tuned" ❤️ Nancy Here’s a note from Anne about "The Power Of Togetherness in Times of Great Uncertainty”. In this special episode of my podcast, I am joined by Carole MacInnis, Nancy Regan and @ Celine Levasseur Burlock for a conversation that feels like a warm blanket of compassion and gentleness in a time of disorienting uncertainty. This is the audio recording of our online gathering, held March 18th 2020, with the intention to connect and support our community. Enjoy xo
Mar 20, 2020
1 hr 17 min
Coco Love Alcorn: Out of the hard times...
"Out of the hard times in life comes rebirth. Out of the hard times in life, we grow."  Coco Love Alcorn's lyrics have always hit home for me, but none more so than this line from her new album Rebirth. I've recently been through one of those times in life that meld pain with beauty, and grief with gratitude...and in retrospect, this beautiful conversation a couple of months ago helped prepare me for what has come to pass. If you already know Coco, you probably already love her. If you don't, here's the scoop. She's a singer-songwriter whose style swings between jazz and pop, but as you'll hear in this episode, her sweet spot is "quiet fire"! Her voice and her lyrics are soul lifting, the reason why several of the songs on her last album Wonderland travelled far and wide on the voices of choirs internationally. This Soul Booth conversation is as comfortable as a chat can be, and full of spirit - just like Coco's music. She even managed to get me singing! Rebirth has been released since we recorded this convo, so be sure to check out the album @ My personal fave is her song The Keeper, which she sings in a beautifully simple version with her ukulele in this episode. But it's not all about the music. We also talk about fear, creativity, motherhood, and much more :) As always, thanks so much for your support of The Soul Booth…and stay tuned! Nancy *** You can support this podcast by visiting and signing up for a free membership. You’ll find exclusive content, including behind-the-scenes video, meditations, and our virtual book club. Do you have a question for Nancy or an upcoming guest? You can submit them by text, audio, or video at and your query might be featured on a future episode. This episode was supported by: Golden Realty Group ( Hotel Halifax ( Homebase by Anne Bérubé ( Downtown Halifax Business Commission (
Jan 24, 2020
1 hr 33 min
Holly Carr and Alan Bateman: The Most Creative Home in Canada
If there were a prize for “The Most Creative Home in Canada,” Holly Carr and Alan Bateman would be in the running! Their 200-year-old farmhouse in Canning, Nova Scotia, is not only home to the two accomplished and innovative artists, but it’s also home to their wildly creative studio where they make very different types of art. The beautiful spot at the base of the north mountain in the Annapolis Valley also plays host to joyful gatherings that allow others to discover and revel in their innate creativity. Throw in two meals of fresh local food, delivered in a feast setting with literary readings and live musical guests, and creativity oozes out through the cracks in the old farmhouse walls! Nancy had the chance to sit down with Holly and Alan in their loft studio for a fun heart-to-heart about their full and festive lives. The conversation covers a lot of interesting territory: Art & nature as medicine Navigating a 24-7 partnership The influence of Alan’s famous father, landscape artist Robert Bateman Holly’s innovative new multimedia theatre production Come along for the ride in this rollicking episode of The Soul Booth. *** You can support this podcast by visiting and signing up for a free membership. You’ll find exclusive content, including behind-the-scenes video, meditations, and our virtual book club. Do you have a question for Nancy or an upcoming guest? You can submit them by text, audio, or video at and your query might be featured on a future episode. This episode was supported by: Golden Realty Group ( Hotel Halifax ( Homebase by Anne Bérubé ( Downtown Halifax Business Commission (
Oct 29, 2019
1 hr 35 min
Margie McCain: The Soul of Money
My guest in this episode of The Soul Booth has given away more money than most of us will ever dream of having. She’s a philanthropist, a feminist, an advocate, and an activist. And despite her extraordinary wealth, and the fact that she’s in her 80’s, Margaret McCain is busy with all those roles! Her nickname “Margie” reflects how down-to-earth she is, and you’ll find that out for yourself within the first few minutes of this podcast when we dig into the subject I was dying to talk about - the soul of money. What she has to say will probably surprise you. Some quick background notes first though; - Born Margaret Norrie, she married Wallace McCain before he started a little family business with his brother Harrison called McCain Foods (!) - In 1994, she became the first female Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick. - She’s been a widow since Wallace died in 2011, and has 4 adult children (Michael, Scott, Eleanor, and Martha) 9 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. - She’s a feisty champion for Canada’s youngest citizens. - She’s got a quick mind, a sharp wit, and a huge heart ! I think you’re really going to enjoy this organic conversation with a woman I consider a role-model and a hero. Stay tuned ;) Nancy *** You can support this podcast by visiting and signing up for a free membership. You’ll find exclusive content, including behind-the-scenes video, meditations, and our virtual book club. Do you have a question for Nancy or an upcoming guest? You can submit them by text, audio, or video at and your query might be featured on a future episode. This episode was supported by: Golden Realty Group ( Hotel Halifax ( Homebase by Anne Bérubé ( Downtown Halifax Business Commission (
Oct 3, 2019
1 hr 33 min
Anne Bérubé: Embodied Spirituality
Anne Bérubé Ph.D. is a spiritual teacher with an uncommon ability to share her story and insights in a way that awakens the inner wisdom in others. Through her writing and workshops, she has helped thousands of individuals discover inner freedom and a connection to their own unique source of sustainable wellbeing. This is a wide-ranging and organic conversation. Anne and Nancy compare notes on their interviews with Elizabeth Gilbert, discuss the idea of living life as if it were a piece of art, and have a few laughs at the expense of their shared husband. Things take an unexpected turn when a demonstration of breathwork turns into a not-so-private coaching session. It's intimate, it's vulnerable, and you're invited to sit in. Want to continue the conversation? You can see Nancy, Anne, and Elizabeth Gilbert live in Halifax on October 11th & 12th, 2019. Visit for tickets and information.
Sep 12, 2019
1 hr 15 min
Alice House: Supporting Women in Crisis
Imagine a world in which every person can live a life without fear or threat of physical, sexual, emotional, financial, social, or spiritual abuse. That’s the world Alice House strives every day to create; providing opportunities for women and their children to forge new lives - free from intimate partner violence. Long-term safe housing is the foundation, but this transformational support is about so much more. In this episode of The Soul Booth, Nancy sits down with Alice House Executive Director Heather Byrne to learn more about this vital organization and the profound role that it plays in changing lives for the better. Long-time Alice House supporter Maggie MacGillvray joins in the conversation with her perspective on supporting women in crisis. —- Are you in Halifax on October 12th, 2019? In conjunction with Soul Tribe Live, Maggie is hosting a fundraising luncheon to benefit Alice House. ( Want to learn more about Alice House or donate to them? ( You can support this podcast by visiting and signing up for a free membership. You’ll find exclusive content, including behind-the-scenes video, meditations, and our virtual book club. Do you have a question for Nancy or an upcoming guest? You can submit them by text, audio, or video at and your query might be featured on a future episode. This episode was supported by: Golden Realty Group ( Hotel Halifax ( Homebase by Anne Bérubé ( Downtown Halifax Business Commission ( Thanks for Chives Canadian Bistro for hosting this conversation! (
Sep 2, 2019
54 min
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