The Smitten Kitten Podcast Podcast
The Smitten Kitten Podcast
Callie Dee
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The Smitten Kitten Introduction - episode of The Smitten Kitten Podcast podcast

The Smitten Kitten Introduction

2 minutes Posted Apr 26, 2023 at 11:27 pm.
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Hi everyone, this is Callie Dee, your host of The Smitten Kitten, where we discuss love, sex, dating, relationships and the human experience in an effort to inform, enlighten and validate those on their journey toward satisfaction and fulfillment in romance and in bed. 

In 2019 I had finally reached my breaking point. I was a HUGE failure in love and relationships. I made the decision to actively study, research the topic and learn from others that had the kind of relationship I wanted in life and as a result, The Smitten Kitten was born. 

Fast Forward to Today:

I’m happy to report that today, early in the year of 2023, I am in a happy and stable relationship with an amazing man. We’ve been together for close to a year and a half and it’s looking like we’re in it for the long haul. I had to do something different to get here which meant learning from others, going to therapy to become a better me, and failing a few more times before getting it right. As they say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results. So if what you’re doing isn’t working, this is your sign to try something new in order to get new results. 

Join us here at The Smitten Kitten where I invite guests of all backgrounds, stages in life and with different relationship statuses and relationship types to learn what has worked, and what hasn’t worked and everything in between. Who knows, maybe you’ll hear the right thing or gain enough courage to stop the insanity and find the love you have deserved all along. I believe in you. 

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