The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
Brooke McAlary
Support podcast
Decluttering #2 - The Slow Home Experiment
11 minutes Posted Oct 9, 2016 at 10:00 am.
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Show notes

Brooke was feeling quite optimistic at the beginning of this month’s decluttering experiment, certain she could find 500 items to let go of between the beginning and end of October… Turns out she might have been a tad over-confident.

Ben and Brooke talk through the past week and their efforts in continuing the Slow Home Experiment, and while so far so good, they’re both concerned at what the latter part of the month will look like.

It’s proving more difficult than expected for two reasons. Firstly, they don’t have as much stuff to let go of as they used to, and secondly is the stop-start nature of the experiment. Needing to shift in to a daily practice of letting go is proving a challenge, but definitely a positive one that will see both Brooke and Ben let go of sticky, sentimental or invisible clutter as the month goes on.

For links and resources mentioned in today’s episode head over to the blog

This month is already proving to be a really fun experiment that lots of you are joining in on, so please feel free to play along (it’s never too late to start!) and tag your social media posts with both #minsgame and #slowhomeexperiment.



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And thanks so much for listening!


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