You have to know where you’re going before you can figure out how to get there. In this episode, we give you a framework for defining what success means to you personally.
Oct 15, 2021
56 min

Do you think of perfectionism as a strength or a weakness? Rachel used to believe it was a helpful and positive aspect of her personality, but in recent years, she has come to realize it is the root cause of some of the biggest issues she has struggled with throughout her life.In this episode, we talk to Stephen Guise, the author of How to Be an Imperfectionist. Rachel can honestly say this book has made a huge impact on her life and has helped her finally start to overcome lifelong struggles with procrastination, punctuality, and taking action. We believe our conversation will help you, too – even if you don’t think you struggle with perfectionism.
Sep 16, 2021
51 min

They say there’s no place like home, but every now and then…it’s nice to get away! In fact, getting away can help you relax, recharge, and reconnect.Travel may seem like a luxury, but in this episode we discuss some of the life lessons we get from exploring and how it helps you grow as a person and a citizen of the world.As an extra added bonus, our guest Geoff Hendren has a lovely New Zealand accent that makes our conversation just a little more fun to listen to. He tells us about his group Women Who Wander, the benefits of traveling with multiple generations, and how to get started if you are new to traveling.
Aug 23, 2021
1 hr 3 min

Without a doubt, the words we use influence our thoughts and feelings. For example, the word SHOULD always seems to come with guilt or shame or judgment. But what if we challenged the SHOULDs in our life?In this episode, we encourage you to stop SHOULD-ing all over yourself by helping you recognize when SHOULD is having a negative effect. We also suggest a list of questions to ask yourself and others to limit the power of SHOULD in your thoughts and behaviors.This episode is sponsored by LearningRx. To get up to half off an assessment and one-on-one consultation with a LearningRx professional trainer to interpret those results and explain options, go to: https://www.thegibsontest.com/sisterhood/
Jul 6, 2021
49 min

Experts talk a lot about setting and achieving goals, but in this update on how we're living out the themes we chose for 2021, we discuss the importance of "practicing" new behaviors and mindsets instead. (As a reminder, Jody chose the Year of Being Visible. Rachel chose the word Now.)Join the sisters as we share progress and setbacks and explore ways we can all move forward with personal growth by establishing a practice mindset.
Jun 10, 2021
35 min

In honor of Mother's Day this year, sisters Rachel Lom and Dr. Jody Jedlicka introduce you to their mom, Mary Ann Vander Wielen. Our mom is the inspiration behind The Sisterhood of Success, and each newsletter shares some of her wisdom and the lessons we learned from her growing up. Hear us discuss parenting, marriage, working moms and stay-at-home moms, developing confidence, procrastination, and imperfection. And stay tuned all the way til the end to hear an ad for our first sponsor, LearningRx, before we share "our favorite things."Special Thanks to LearningRx. For more information: https://www.thegibsontest.com/sisterhood/
May 24, 2021
50 min

Happy anniversary, sisters! It has been one year since The Sisterhood of Success was born and shared with the world. Get a peek behind the scenes as we review some of the big milestones and lesser known facts about specific episodes and the show as a whole. We share listener favorites and feedback, along with some big announcements for the future of the podcast. Thanks for sharing this journey and joining our honorary sisterhood!
Apr 23, 2021
56 min

When you are living in harmony with your purpose and passions in life, things just seem to come more easily and work out almost effortlessly.But how do you figure out your purpose and passions?In this episode, we demonstrate an activity you can do by yourself or with a partner to help identify your personal strengths and discover ways to use those strengths to serve the world and feel more satisfaction.
Apr 10, 2021
59 min

It’s time for another update on how we’re living out the themes we chose for this year instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions. As a reminder, Jody chose the Year of Being Visible. Rachel chose the word Now. (Check out Episode 17 to learn more about choosing your own word or theme to guide your focus and energy for 2021.) We also discuss what to do if you feel like you’ve gotten off track with your own theme or with another goal you’ve set for yourself.
Mar 30, 2021
25 min

Did you know that your cognitive skills -- what many people think of as your underlying intelligence -- can be strengthened and improved? Dr. Amy Moore is a cognitive psychologist and researcher who studies neuroplasticity-based training programs for children and adults with ADHD, learning struggles, brain injury, and age-related cognitive decline. She shares how we can all benefit from brain training and find more more success at any age!
Mar 19, 2021
1 hr 2 min
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