The Sinéad de hÓra Podcast Podcast

The Sinéad de hÓra Podcast

Sinéad de hÓra
Join award-winning Intuitive Specialist, Sinéad de hÓra, for weekly insights and guidance about all things energy, healing, Angels, and spiritual awakening. There may be surprise guests and a few meditations to support you as you awaken your intuition and connect with your inner light. This podcast is for you to learn, to grow and it's a place for you to be you!
2: Numerology with Gráinne Tyndall
Today on The Sinéad de hÓra Podcast, I am joined by an extraordinary International Numerologist, Soul Seer, Spiritual Healer, Workshop Facilitator and resident numerologist on TodayFM, Gráinne Tyndall. Gráinne, the founder of uses her intuitive gifts along with the ancient science of Numbers in her, what she calls, Soul Sessions so that she can help you uncover and discover your true Soul Contract. As Gráinne says; "there is a reason and a season for everything". And on today's episode, we talk about why you receive signs through numbers, how to recognize what they mean, and how to understand them so that you can recognize your owns soul's contract. You can find out more about Grainne and her work through her website or through Instagram @numbers4success Enjoy!
Jul 25, 2023
38 min
1: Limbo
Welcome to today's episode of The Sinéad de hÓra podcast - today I am talking about being in limbo.  When your heart yearns for something but it has not yet come to fruition it can leave you feeling powerless, numb, or even excited about it. All variations are what I like to call, limbo or the void.  I share a glimpse of my own limbo experience with a poem, a guided visualization, and a message from your Angels on how to honour yourself when you are waiting for what you are looking to call into your life.  Listen to your inner glimmer,  Sinéad x
Jul 18, 2023
13 min
Welcome to The Sinéad de hÓra podcast, here is a note from the host as she connects with the energy of the show and shares little insights as to what's in store for Season 1.
Jul 3, 2023
1 min