The Shameless Mom Academy: Motherhood, Motivation, and Mindset Tips for Busy Moms
The Shameless Mom Academy: Motherhood, Motivation, and Mindset Tips for Busy Moms
Sara Dean
315: 4 Steps To Play Bigger In Life Without Asking Permission
33 minutes Posted Mar 4, 2019 at 12:00 am.
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When I look around to see who’s taking action in their lives, I see a lot of women doing two things:

  1. Waiting for an permission
  2. Waiting for an invitation



There is no reason to ask permission to play bigger in your life. 

There is no reason to wait for an invitation.


These are actually just “noble obstacles”, as Jon Acuff calls them. These are the obstacles that we let stand in our way as a crutch to stay comfortable, procrastinate, dwell in our own perfectionism, live in fear, and keep our lives way. too. small.

Today, I’m giving you 4 steps to start playing bigger in your life without asking permission:

  1. Take a seat at the table
  2. Know your worth and your power
  3. Assume you’re qualified
  4. Reach out and connect with the big dogs

99% of the time, there is not a benefit in waiting to take action. 99% of the time, the best time to take action is now. 99% of the time the best time to play bigger is now. 99% of the time when you start to play bigger, you get to live bigger. 99% of the time the net result is RADNESS.

Are you ready to take a seat at the table?

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