The Root of All Podcasts Podcast

The Root of All Podcasts

Devan and Miles Neuvirth
In a world where there are several hundred thousand podcasts currently running, how will you find out whats worth listening to? Well we can help. Devan and Miles Neuvirth have developed a brilliant algorithm to put two podcasts episodes talking about the same topic head to head. listen, laugh, and find other things to listen to!
13. Tabletop Deduction Reduction
We Chat about Tabletop games!Thanks to our featured episodes:Dukes of DiceEp: 162 - Duke & Sundry (w/Wil Wheaton)Twitter: @dukesofdiceFacebook: /dukesofdicewww.dukesofdice.libsyn.comBoard Game Design LabEp: Designing Deduction Games with Tim Fowerswww.boardgamedesignlab.comTwitter: @bgdesignlab
Jan 30, 2020
42 min
12. L'ego my Lego!
We talk Lego bricks, Lego Movies, Lego's wiki, and lego children's stories! thanks to our featured episodes!Improvised Wikipediaep: LEGOfb: @improvwikipodwww.improvisedwikipedia.orgWhat if Worldep: 26- What if legos were alive?email: [email protected]: @whatifworldpodvoicemail:
Jan 8, 2020
51 min
11. Tangent Wars:  Episode XI - The Unnecessary Subtitle
Time to talk Star Wars! We hit the despecialized editions and a Jar Jar movie pitch, with plenty of side tracking along the way! For once all of our tangents are actually related our topic! Thanks as always to our featured episodes!Star Wars RewatchEpisode: Episode IVwebsite: www.hitpointpals.comTwitter: @hitpointpalsStory BreakEpisode 2: The Jar Jar Binks Moviewebsite: maximumfun.orgTwitter: @rjstorybreak
Dec 19, 2019
51 min
10. Virtual Reality, Actual Rambling
Virtual Reality. Where did it come from? Where will it go? Where were we again?Thanks to our featured episodes!Podcast:American InnovationsEpisodes: Virtual Reality series from Dec. 2018Website: wondery.comTwitter: @stevenbjohnsonPodcast: FRealityEpisode: Ep.116 - Half Life Alyx Announced, Oculus Link in Beta & Star Wars VR LaunchesWebsite: freality.tvTwitter: @FRealityCrew
Dec 10, 2019
1 hr
9. Turkeyday Traditions
We talk about Thanksgiving Traditions, starwars, NES, and admit to committing potato crimes.Thanks to our featured episodes:Black and Yellow Podcastepisode: Not Your Average Turkey DayInstagram:@blackandyellowpodcastAlana J. Webster: @renegadeoffunJacklyn Chung Young: @jacklynchungyoungTil Death Do Us Blartepisodes:2015, 2016, 2017, 2018Twitter: @deathblartfun facts from: mospace:
Nov 20, 2019
52 min
8. November Nonprofits
This time we talk about Movember and NaNoWriMo! How did Movember start? How do you "win" NaNoWriMo? listen to find out!Thanks to our featured podcasts!Great Australian lives with Laura TurnerEpisode: Movember's Travis Garone & Paul Villanti's Great Australian Lifewebsite: @3aw693How to Win NaNoEpisode: Why Does NaNoWriMo Work?twitter: @hottowinnanomy mospace:
Nov 6, 2019
39 min
7. Cause of Death: Murder
For our Halloween episode we both found True Crime podcasts that Covered Halloween Murders. we do not go into graphic details because we are not a murder podcast. Special Thanks to our featured podcasts:The True Crime Enthusiast PodcastEpisode: 6: The Halloween MurdersFacebook - The True Crime EnthusiastTwitter - @tc_enthusiastInstagram - truecrimeenthusiastBlog - truecrimeenthusiast.wordpress.comMisconduct. A True Crime PodcastEpisode: Napa Halloween Murderswebsite: www.misconductpodcast.comFacebook: misconductpodcastTwitter: @misconductpod
Oct 23, 2019
34 min
6. Aaahh!!! Real Zombies
In time (for once) for Zombieland 2, we recommend a couple of zombie podcasts! we nail down a definition, discuss survival plans. warning spoilers for Zombieland. also we do talk about bugs eating each other.Thanks to our featured podcasts:Inquiring MindsEp: What real-life zombies reveal about our worldwebsite: www.inquiring.showTwitter: @inquiringshowThe Zombie Chronicles: Escapeby: James Melzerwebsite: www.scribl.comtwitter: @jjmelzerour @rootofpodemail: [email protected] the root of all podcasts on youtube
Oct 9, 2019
41 min
5. Punkin Chunkin Discussion
Our first fall episode had to be about pumpkin spice! we cover the history of pumpkins and also invent pumpkin cereal!thanks so much to this episodes covered podcasts:SavorPumpkin: Jack-of-All-Foodstwitter: @savorpodCereal killersPumpkin Spice Hell!twitter: CerealKillersPCListen to them wherever you are listening to us!
Sep 25, 2019
41 min
4. Medusa Cascade
By request this episode features an episode of Alternative Stories and Fake Realities! The origin of Medusa requires discussion about the horrible actions of characters in Greek/Roman mythology. We decided not to shy away from these topics. nothing graphic is discussed.Thanks to the podcasts we discuss todayAlternative stories and Fake Realitiesepisode: Medusatwitter:@StoriesAltwww.alternativestories.comlrb readingsepisode: Mary Beard: From Medusa to Merkeltwitter: @[email protected] sexual assault hotline:1-800-656-4673
Sep 11, 2019
52 min
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