The Rock and Metal Profs: The History and Philosophy of Rock and Metal
The Rock and Metal Profs: The History and Philosophy of Rock and Metal
The Rock and Metal Profs
Episode 65: Rock Music Festivals - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
23 minutes Posted Apr 16, 2023 at 6:29 pm.
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Court and Matt have attended over 500 concerts over the course of their lifetimes, including numerous rock festivals.  With the recent announcement that both Ozzy Osbourne and AC/DC are coming out of retirement to perform at the Power trip Festival in October, we thought this would be the perfect time to discuss the history, pros and cons of the rock festival experience.  We discuss iconic festivals like Woodstock and Altamont, and some lesser-known but equally remarkable festivals that didn't go off as planned.  We also recognize that as you listen to this episode, we will likely sound like two crotchety old rockers bemoaning the festival experience.  In fairness, however, we did attempt to accentuate the positive, and we acknowledge that the rock festival is a young person's game.  We hope that after listening you'll hit us up on the Rock and Metal Profs Facebook page and let us know about your best, worst, and most memorable rock festival moments.  Rock on!