The Right Stick Podcast

The Right Stick

William Beans & Doc Brown
An actual PhD. and an actual not PhD. podcast about videogames of the past, present, and the past...again.
Episode 42 - Aeristocrats!
Final Fantasy 7 (Remake) Look, we know we said we were going to stop talking about Final Fantasy on this podcast. But that was BEFORE we knew that the remake was ever going to actually come out. So can you REALLY blame us as we do one of our famous deep-dives on the entirety of the Final Fantasy 7 remake? We didn't think so, either. But it's nice to hear. Thank you. Be warned! Spoilers abound for the entire Final Fantasy 7 extended family of products as part of our discussion. In the left stick this week: Beans urges you to play Stories Untold, and DocBrown shares his desires to play long-running D&D campaigns as a grown-up with too many responsibilities.   It's been a while. But this podcast are back!   Music: FF7 Remake OST: Flowers Blooming in the Church Goo Goo Dolls - Iris FF7 Remake OST: Bombing Mission FF7 Remake OST: Shinra's Theme FF7 Remake OST: Scorpion Sentinel FF7 Remake OST: Avalanche’s Theme FF7 Remake OST: Chance Meeting in Sector 8 FF7 Remake OST: Lay Down Some Rubber - Let's Ride FF7 Remake OST: Crab Warden FF7 Remake OST: Honey Bee Inn Intro Song FF7 Remake OST: Shinra Building FF7 Remake OST: The Turks' Theme FF7 Remake OST: Electric de Chocobo FF7 Remake OST: Aerith's Theme - Home Again
Sep 17, 2020
1 hr 59 min
Episode 41 - Unplugged
Boardgames. As Doc begins the journey back to us from his retro-vision quest of the videogames of yesteryear, he makes a very important stop in the world of modern boardgames. But this isn't Monopoly and Battleship! Oh no! This is some hardcore, videogame-ass-esque tabletop gaming. Join us, two guys that love them some videogames, as we do our very best to explain why you should be loving you some boardgames. Also this episode: Beans talks about his recent journey through the land of MMORPGs, and Doc talks about finding time for games when you don't have time for games. Roll the dice and give us a try! Music: Skyrim - Music & Ambience - Taverns ( Final Fantasy XIV - The Rak'tika Greatwood Theme Soul Blader (Soul Blazer) - Koibito no Inaiyoru Carcassonne - Theme music Soul Blader (Soul Blazer) - Boss Battle Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole - Treasure Hunter Nigel Catan Creator's Edition Soundtrack - Menu Pathfinder Kingmaker - Bittersweet (Nyrissa's Theme) Demon's Souls - "Demon's Souls" This War of Mine - Some Place We Called Home Civilization III - StarsFull Gears of War 4 - A Few Snags The Incredible Machine 3 - "Unplugged" Civilization III - Modern Era Music Sound Effects: Door Open and Close Sound Effects ( The book series that DocBrown couldn’t remember was ‘Destiny Quest’:
Dec 13, 2019
1 hr 57 min
Episode 40 - Le Sigh
Disappointing Games. There are few things in this life as terrible as waiting months (if not years!) for that long anticipated game, only to tear open the shrink wrap and realize that it totally 100 percent sucks. This episode, DocBrown and WillyBeans talk through some of their most memorable video gaming disappointments. It's a feel good kind of episode. To kick things off, Beans begins talking about how let down he was by Dragon Quest XI. I hope you don't find that too disappointing. Music: Elevator music 1 hour ( Dragon Quest XI - Hero's Triumphant Return Bionic Commando (Arcade) - Bionic Commando Theme Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (NES) - Title Theme True Lies (SNES) - Ski Run Under Fire Mass Effect 3 - Mars Kingdom Hearts II - Darkness of the Unknown Persona 5 - Keeper of Lust Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - The Executor's Knight Nier Automata: Weight of the World (English Version) Zack & Wiki: The Beginning As always and forever, thanks to our Tweeps for sharing their many disappointments: @bradgallaway, @AskWheels, @PHolmes, @broodwars64, @_MCPwned, and @jscarpe! 
Sep 22, 2019
1 hr 37 min
Episode 39 - Gears for Fears
Xenogears. With the smashing success of our last few attempts at revisiting childhood classics, why not keep the good times rolling. Right? Right...?   Also this episode: WillyBeans laments the overly-complicated gameplay systems of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and DocBrown questions the overly-unbalanced character building in many tabletop RPGs. I've got a baaaad feeling about this. Music: Xenogears - Bonds of Sea and Fire Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Torigoth Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Counterattack World of Warcraft - Main Title ~ Legends of Azeroth Xenogears - Light from the Netherworld Xenogears - My Village is Number One Xenogears - Shattering Egg of Dreams Xenogears - Dazil- City of Burning Sands Xenogears - Steel Giant Xenogears - Tams, The Man Of The Sea Xenogears - Shevat- The Wind is Calling Xenogears - The Beginning and the End Xenogears - One who Bares Fangs at God Sound effects: DUN DUN DUUUUN!!! (Dramatic Sound Effect ( Thanks as always to all of our Tweeps who suggested episode topics, but especially @CalebMickel for his correct opinions on Xenogears
Apr 7, 2019
2 hr 7 min
Episode 38 - Marle and Me
Chrono Trigger. It's no secret that this is one of the most beloved games of all time. But is it worth all of the undying praise, or do we all just miss our childhood? Can this game survive the snark and cynicism of two cranky old men who like to crap on your favorite memories? Only time will tell. (Ha!) Also this episode: DocBrown talks about one of his most best favorite games of 2018. You've never even heard of this game before. Promise. Wake up, sleepy head. Music: Chrono Trigger - Schala's Theme Yasunori Mitsuda - The Brink of Time - Chrono Trigger Yasunori Mitsuda - The Brink of Time - Secret of Forest Chrono Trigger - Guardia Millennial Fair Yasunori Mitsuda - The Brink of Time - Zeal Palace Chrono Trigger - Manorial Cathedral Yasunori Mitsuda - The Brink of Time - Warlock Battle Chrono Trigger - Lavos' Theme Yasunori Mitsuda - The Brink of Time - Chrono Corridor Yasunori Mitsuda - The Brink of Time - Undersea Palace Chrono Trigger - People Who Threw Away the Will to Live Yasunori Mitsuda - The Brink of Time - The Brink of Time Chrono Trigger - Decisive Battle with Magus Yasunori Mitsuda - The Brink of Time - Guardia Millenial Fair Sound Effects: Door Slam Sound Effects All Sounds ( As always, thanks to our Twitter friends for comments: @Liquidsn3k, @Aurailen, @AllanWright26, and @NightDreamer!
Jan 2, 2019
2 hr 7 min
Episode 37 - ThE n3xT LeVeL
The original Playstation. With the release of the hotly anticipated and can-do-no-wrong Playstation Classic, Beans and Doc spend an episode talking about the original Playstation. We remember what it was like to move into a world of 32-bit gaming complete with black-bottomed CDs and Lara Croft shaped memory cards. Aside from the classic games, we talk about how Sony's surprise hit impacted us and how it impacted the world around us. Forever. Also this episode: WillyBeans digs up some old videogame novelizations, while DocBrown checks in on the current state of cell phone games. Welcome to The Next Level.   Music: Green Day - Basket Case ALL Playstation Startups 1995-2016 (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4) - ( Monument Valley - Amateur Cartography Klonoa: Door to Phantomile - Boss Battle 4 Battle Arena Toshinden - Fo's Theme Tobal No. 1 - Electrical Indian Wild Arms - Into the Wilderness Bushido Blade - Those who Aim at the Castle Tower Chrono Cross - Time's Scar Twisted Metal 4 - Rob Zombie - Dragula Metal Gear Solid - Rex's Lair Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Dance of Pales Resident Evil 2 - Annette's Recollection Suikoden II - Reminiscence Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Finale Toccata Gran Turismo - Garbage - As Heaven is Wide Tekken - vs. Heihachi Irritating Stick - Simple As always, thanks to our awesome Twitter friends for great comments: @Aurailen, @MrAlarm, @cursedblessing, @binaryscroll, @kumimono, and @jscarpe! Playstation copy-protection explained:
Dec 18, 2018
2 hr 6 min
Episode 36 - Second Verse
The Videogame Metaverse (Part 2) Once more DocBrown and WillyBeans talk about the world and culture surrounding videogames, wrapping up outstanding (and amazing!) topics from the previous episode. This time we cover beautifully written strategy guides, exquisite collector's editions of games, videogame themed board games, and so much more! Also this episode: WillyBeans has an opinion on Polygon dropping review scores, and DocBrown talks about Premodern Games (no really, it's a thing). Thus concludes the two-part trilogy. Music: Whoosh sound effect #11 ( Legacy of the Wizard - Main Dungeon theme Legacy of the Wizard - Boss Battle Theme Legacy of the Wizard (NES) - Xemn's Level theme Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Nontoonyt Island TES V Skyrim - From Past to Present Space Quest IV - Magmethius Canteen StarGlider (Atari ST) - Intro Brandish (SNES) - Cave Gears Of War - Fish In A Barrel Chrono Trigger - Memories of Green Hatoful Boyfriend Soundtrack - Tsuki no Shizuku Morrowind - The Road Most Traveled Neverwinter Nights: Mask of the Betrayer - Betrayer's Theme The Immortals - Mortal Kombat Theme Song Brandish (SNES) - Ending II Thanks to our Twitter friends for their comments: @nightdreamer, @99healpotions, and @jscarpe! Nintendo Switch paperclip hack:
Nov 15, 2018
1 hr 47 min
Episode 35 - Moments In Between
The Videogame Metaverse. Sometimes preparing to play videogames is just as entertaining as playing them! This week Beans and Doc talk about all things videogames except actually playing them: PC Building, videogame books (art, technical, and novelizations), soundtracks on vinyl, YouTube Let's Plays, and so much more! Also this episode: we discuss the working conditions at Rockstar and Beans doubts the public's apparent outrage. It's so meta. Music: Mega Man 2 - Opening Mega Man 2- Title The Walking Dead Season 1 - Safe Edit Shadowgate (NES) - Entryway / Main Theme Shadowgate (NES) - Subterranean Cavern Starcraft - Main Menu Persona 3 - The Poem for Everyone's Souls Dead Space Downfall Soundtrack - The Danger Of the Harvesting Planet Enter the Matrix - SWAT Helicopter Gradius (NES) - Air Beginning of the History Police Quest 4: Open Season - Bitty Kitty 1 Dungeon Master (SNES) - Entrance Wolfenstein 3D - Funk That Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (NES) - Arab Dungeons The bookstore DocBrown couldn't remember is Kinokunyia SF ( The book exploring Wolfenstein 3D whose title DocBrown couldn't remember is Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D (
Nov 7, 2018
1 hr 41 min
Episode 34 - Electric Boogaloo
Videogame Sequels. You love videogame X I love videogame X, of course we would want to play videogame X-2! Right? This week Doc and Beans discuss the history of videogame sequels. Our discussion takes us from the fun and crazy times (Zelda to Zelda II) all the way up to the tired and boring times (Call of Duty to even more Call of Duty). Consider it a prequel to our next episode. Also this episode: Beans finally gets a Nintendo Switch, and DocBrown is in serious need of an intervention. No. Seriously. Final Fantasy X-2 is no good. Music: Faxanadu - World Tree 02 Faxanadu - Dartmoor's Castle Castlevania II - Simon's Quest - Bloody Tears Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) - Title Theme Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (Apple II) - Complete Soundtrack Parasite Eve - Out of Phase King's Quest VII - Etheria (Land In The Clouds) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Objection! Resident Evil 4 - Krauser Advent Rising - Bounty Hunter Yakuza 0 - Force Addiction Tales of Xillia - Captivated by the Journey Actraiser - All Over The World Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal - The Five Ys 7 - Lost Harmony Among People (in memory of @FinalMacStorm as he rated the game's music a 5/5 As always, thanks to folks on Twitter who suggested episode topics: @lifeat33rpm, @99HealPotions
Sep 20, 2018
2 hr
Episode 33 - Ask About Datajack
Shadowrun (SNES). Oi, Chummer. You brain burnt or something? You've been wandering around like a frekkin' drekhead gloming to pal up with some half-nanced fancy deep reality deltajock. Matrix. Credstick. Shadowrun, for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It's a special game that tried to do a lot. In some ways it struck gold. Aaaaaannnnd in some ways it struck not-gold. Docbrown and Beans (those are our Shadowrunner names) jack into the Matrix (TM) to serve as your fixers on this run. We've got A LOT to say. You'll be glad you gave us the time of day on this one, Mr. Johnson. Also this episode: Beans says one last good bye to the great things about the Wii U as a system for parents to play with their kids, while Doc helps us all remember the joy of discovery in videogames. Music: Shadowrun (SNES) - 3 AM On A Summer Night Drakkhen (SNES) - Night in the Forest Shadowrun (SNES) - Metropolis Waltz Shadowrun (SNES) - Seattle Blues Shadowrun (SNES) - Running The Shadows Shadowrun (SNES) - Otherworldly Canines Shadowrun (SNES) - Vampires, Zombies, Guns Shadowrun (SNES) - Maria Mercurial Redux Shadowrun (SNES) - Dream Hack Shadowrun (SNES) - Stay Tunned (Ending Theme) Shadowrun Returns - Return of the Sixth World Shadowrun Returns - Runners Eternal Drakkhen (SNES) - Haaggkhen's Castle Torment: Tides of Numenera  - The Oasis   Special thanks to Tweep @canhastreats for suggesting discussion topics!   Link to Is Shadowrun Worth Playing Today? by SNESdrunk ( He fires at you.
Aug 31, 2018
1 hr 41 min
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