Leave The Plantation Podcast

Leave The Plantation

Clarence Mason Weaver
The Mason Weaver Show is brought to you by LeaveThePlantation.org Your host Mason Weaver bringing The Truth Right Between the Lies. The content includes Spiritual, Political, Cultural and Economical topics. Listening to Mason, you are bound to learn something that you had never thought of before. Special guest interviews and business advertising welcomed. You don't want to miss our shows. JOIN US today!
No job, just income!
Success is a process. Those who practice succeed.  About Clarence A Mason Clarence A. Mason is the founder of Clarence A. Mason Enterprises and works as an author and motivational speaker. His goal is to change how people do business, interact with others, teach, train, and reach people with a message of hope for the future. He works hard to empower individuals with the tools they need to effect positive change in the world. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Jan 19, 2023
2 min
How to rebuild the Black Family, Mason Weaver. www.LeaveThePlantation.org
This is a speech I gave decades ago, in Kingston NY. It covers the approach to Communities, prosperity, Culture and action. I wanted to replay it because today, many people believe the Black Community will not respond to the harsh truth. Listen and decide for yourself. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Apr 26, 2022
45 min
Should Black Americans THANK the Republicans?
Black America Thanks the Republicans sign the petition “We owe so much to those who came before us. It is for their struggles and sacrifices we celebrate their victory. From the tears and misery they endured, we gain our strength. In honor of all who struggled and died, in memory of all who resisted and suffered, for those who lived a life not worth living to preserve life for us… we give thanks to strangers who stood with us and for us. The Republican Party.” The Republican Party was founded by men and women tired of living in a country where one man could hold another man captive. It was clear to the Republican Party that “No one is free until all are free!” Black Americans must never forget the sacrifice for justice represented by the Republican Party. We must never allow the nation to forget what they stood for and what they stood against. “Thanks to the Republican Party” www.LeaveThePlantation.org  [email protected] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Apr 25, 2022
25 min
Black Americans thanks the Republican Party
The republican party has done more for black people than any party in America. We owe a thanks to the help they have given us. www.LeaveThePlantation.org --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Apr 7, 2022
21 min
Daniels TEN TOES are here now
'Keep your eyes on Israel" not America, Curope, Russia. Not the UN, Bilderberg, Illuminati, or Masonic Temple. God will deal with the end of the world HIS way.   *We are not called to be tolerant we are called to be righteous. *Only what is offensive to God is offensive. *How can I offend you with the truth? *We are not called to lead the world, direct the world or impress the world,     we are to call the world to its Savior. * We believe that God’s Holy Scriptures are infallible, if you disagree we believe you are wrong. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Mar 29, 2022
38 min
Is "The Battle of the Sexes, REAL?"
If God put Man and Woman together for our own good, why is it so hard for us to have a relationship? Get the relationship book by Mason Weaver  "Raunchy Secrets ONLY Wives Should know. www.GodCommandsSex.com --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Mar 21, 2022
37 min
Is "Nigger" the most powerful word in the English Language"
It is so powerful you could lose your job over it. But not for everyone. Rappers, gang members and Black folks in general appearance can utter this word in immunity.  --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Feb 8, 2022
25 min
Black History Month. Following God, brings freedom!
The History of Slavery and Freedom is a History of Serving God. You will never see the people of God go into Slavery while they are worshipping God. You will never see them come out of Slavery until they start Worshipping God. Get Mason's Book "The Democrat Party Hates America" at www.LeaveThePlantation.org --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Feb 1, 2022
30 min
God said it was not good
God created the world and said "It was Good." However, when he made man God said, "It was not Good that the man should be alone. Why --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Jan 22, 2022
14 min
Navy Seals wins first round against Biden
A Navy Seal has won a Stay in Court against the Biben Vaccine Mandate https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#inbox/FMfcgzGmtNWxLcZMJJhbSBrhVcmSlbjs --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leavetheplantation/message
Jan 5, 2022
23 min
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