The Real World of Real Estate Podcast

The Real World of Real Estate

Gerald Tostowaryk (Toco Properties Ltd.)
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The trusted source for accurate, informative and enjoyable real estate industry information, we discuss all aspects of this world of real estate from investing to economics, market conditions, human interest stories, regulations, you name it. We interview economists, top producers, government, investors, anyone with something interesting and relevant to say. Our focus is first on Alberta, then Canada, then on the world, publishing approximately every two weeks. Brokerage:Century 21 Urban Realty. The Real World of Real Estate is a production of Toco Properties Ltd.
A Look at the Career of Steven Pearson of Re/Max Commercial Capital
Steven Pearson is a well-known high producing commercial agent and a true gentleman. His years of experience combined with his great sense of humor make for a fun, engaging, and informative discussion. Support the show
May 15, 2022
40 min
Susan Janzen of Maxwell Realty and her Heartwarming Story of Her Search for her Father
 Susan Janzen of Maxwell Realty walks us through her personal journey of fulfillment as she searched for the father she never knew. Her heartwarming story is full of surprises, bad news, and good news. Through it all, her joy and determination hold lessons for us all. Support the show (
Apr 30, 2022
37 min
Passive House Sustainable Design for Residential and Commercial Buildings
Chris Ballard, CEO of Passive House Canada, joins me for a detailed discussion on sustainable building design and the Passive House (Passive Haus) standards.It is an insightful look into how far we have come  with environmentally friendly, sustainable building design.All right, prepare to be informed! the show (
Apr 5, 2022
1 hr 13 min
Lorri Brewer of Infinite Realty Service Discusses Stigmatized and Haunted Houses
 After a near death experience, local Realtor® Lorri Brewer's life changed dramatically, taking her along a path she never considered. She now specializes in stigmatized properties, so come along for an out of this world real estate story. Whether we believe in the possibility of these types of experiences or not, it has been a challenging road for our guest and it is incumbent upon us all that we all are considerate of the possibilities explored today. Agent contact website: Support the show (
Mar 28, 2022
1 hr 35 min
Property Tax Assessment and Appeal with Canadian Valuation Group
It's property tax time and the time window to appeal your taxes is fast approaching! Gary Smith and Kyle Goertzen of Canadian Valuation Group discuss property taxes and how best to appeal your evaluation if you feel it is in error. Our discussion centres around taxes in the City of Edmonton but the principles and concepts apply in any municipality so let's jump in for an enlightening discussion! Support the show (
Mar 10, 2022
1 hr 13 min
A Look at the Career of Chad Griffiths of NAI Commercial
Chad Griffiths is the consummate professional, good at what he does and a true gentleman. He shares his personal story as well as some of his success tips and tricks, his social media techniques, and some lessons learned along the way. A great story and a great learning experience for us all. Let's go! Chad's Industrial Real Estate Youtube PageSupport the show (
Feb 24, 2022
1 hr 13 min
Building Maintenance Reserve Fund Planning with NLD Consulting
 Today's episode is critical for building management and maintenance. Mike LaPorte of NLD Consulting presents us with superb calculations to accurately prepare for building repairs and maintenance using expected service life projections to build reserve fund plans. While the presentation is focused on condominiums, the information is relevant for all building owners. the show (
Feb 8, 2022
1 hr 15 min
Baker Real Estate Inc., Toronto's Dominant New Condo Marketing Brokerage Shares Their Strategies and Data
 Barbara Lawlor, CEO of Baker Real Estate Incorporated, and Harley Nakelsky, President, share some of their advanced market data and their leading edge strategies that have helped them become a major force in Toronto's new condominium market, and to expand into other markets as well. HOST'S NOTE: MY MICROPHONE WAS EXPERIENCING INTERMITTENT PROBLEMS, which we didn't realize until after the podcast. Support the show (
Jan 19, 2022
1 hr 10 min
Edmonton Commercial Real Estate Market Update 2022
Six of Edmonton's premier commercial real estate agents join me for a 2 hour round-table discussion on the state of industrial, office, retail and multifamily investment real estate in Edmonton.We look at where we are now and where things seem to be heading both in sales and leasing.Grab your notebooks, there's some gold nuggets in today's session.BONUS: Courtesy of Chris Davies of Re/Max Commercial Capital Edmonton, we are giving away 3 copies of Chris's multifamily investing book, Apartment Buildings That Outperform. These copies go to the first 3 people who email The Real World of Real Estate at [email protected] and tell me what interest rate Chris mentioned that he renewed his financing at on his building a year ago.Support the show (
Dec 31, 2021
1 hr 52 min
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing with Bryan Statt
Bryan Statt from the Alberta Real Estate Association sits in with me to discuss Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, and federal FINTRAC obligations.We examine the world of international crime, how it finances its operations, and how the world's governments are working together to fight back. Our discussion includes an overview of what kind of information real estate clients must provide and practitioners must collect, as well as how that information is handled.Support the show (
Dec 16, 2021
1 hr 5 min
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