The Proffitt Podcast
The Proffitt Podcast
Krystal Proffitt
Podcast Launch Plan - How to Create Yours
36 minutes Posted Oct 9, 2019 at 10:00 pm.
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Episode 48, "How to Launch a Podcast", continues to be the most downloaded episode on the podcast. Well, after the trailer episode. But I think that's because people hear my Texas accent and say, "Where is this chick from? I gotta know her story." So there's that.

But obviously launching a podcast is a hot topic around here.
Today, I wanted to take a deep dive into the Podcast Launch Plan and how to create one.

When I sat down and originally created the content for Episode 48, I knew I wanted to include a killer resource - which ended up being the Basic Podcast Launch Plan. However, I never really went deeper into the different aspects of implementing it correctly.

So, that's what we're talking about in this episode. 

I'm breaking down the 4 different components of the Podcast Launch Plan and giving you examples of how you can use these strategies for your podcast.

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