In this episode on The Empathy Podcast we explore Empathy and Aged Care with Sharon Blackburn CBE. The recent Royal Commission has brought much attention to aged care, and it may appear that empathy and aged care are mutually exclusive. Leanne and Sharon explore how empathy and relationships put the care back in aged care and why it is essential for our loved ones, families, aged care staff, and communities. Sharon shares with us the significance of relationship-centred care and how it can be practised to ultimately humanise the healthcare sector. Sharon is an experienced social carer who has worked in the sector for over 40 years. She has held multiple executive leadership roles within non-profits and for-profit charities. She is passionate about helping people in organisations become the change they want to see in the world. Sharon was awarded a CBE in the Queen's New Year's Honours in 2016 for her contributions to nursing and non-profit organisations. Sharon discusses the importance of involving clients in their own care and learning what matters to them. To truly build relationships with clients, healthcare professionals must acknowledge their thoughts and feelings and act accordingly. Not only does this improve the quality of care experienced by clients but the work engagement and satisfaction experienced by aged care professionals.https://www.empathyfirst.com.auEmail Sharon on [email protected]
Aug 28, 2022
42 min

On this episode of The Professional Empathy Podcast I welcome Sarah Ripper and Matilda Marsh from Myoni.love to talk about all things Menstruation in the Workplace. Join us as we discuss our menstrual cycle and how we can begin to adapt our working lives to accomodate the natural 'seasons' of our energy, productivity and strengths. Matilda & Sarah are the founders of Brisbane social enterprise, Myoni. They are passionate about providing reusable, ethical and locally made products & services to make your cycle as safe, comfortable and empowering as possible. This is such an inspiring episode for all of us to create more inclusive, empathetic workplaces and communities.Find Sarah and Matilda at www.myoni.love And for your special listener discount enter the code PODCAST at https://empathytraining.thinkific.com/courses/empathy-first-fundamentals To learn more about empathy training head to www.empathyfirst.com.au and for more episodes head to www.empathyfirst.com.au
Jun 27, 2022
38 min

Sex work is colloquially known as. 'the oldest profession' so today, on this episode of The Professional Empathy Podcast, our guest is Tyler Mathews (pseudonym), a male sex worker (otherwise known as an independent professional companion, gigolo or escort). Tyler has been a sex worker for four and a half years, during which time he has helped people explore their sexuality, sensuality and confidence through safety, communication and connection.In this episode, Tyler and I discuss the challenges and satisfactions the escort life brings and how empathy, security, and setting boundaries are fundamental to his longevity and success in this profession.Curious? Me too. Listen now to learn more about the role of empathy in sex work.SEGMENTED TIMESTAMPS[2:21] Tyler's story.[4:35] Is there a certificate to become a sex worker?[6:46] What kind of people are looking for male escort services?[8:45] What do people look for when hiring a sex worker?[10:07] How to create a connection with a person you don't know?[12:38] What happens in the first hour of the sex service?[21:11] The importance of security.[25:57] How to manage self-empathy as a sex worker.[30:40] The work continues after the orgasm.[36:27] Is there competition between escorts?[39:53] How to hire the right sex worker.[47:27] Boundaries[48:53] Who's behind the sex worker mask?[56:47] Advice for men.WHAT WE DISCUSSEDHow do you create a connection with a person you don't know?For a service of a few hours, creating a connection becomes a difficult task. However, in these situations, having a conversation, being empathetic, and having a good attitude will be helpful to break the ice.The work continues after the orgasm.This profession goes way beyond pleasing a sexual desire. Tyler shares with us how orgasm oftentimes makes people vulnerable and how he manages his mental health to process those emotions.What women can consider when considering a sex worker.Finding a professional who suits your needs is not an easy task, However, there are some things you can consider when browsing the profiles of male escorts.1) Professional photos.2) Authentic reviews written in a variety of styles.3) A good quality website.4) Book a (non-sexual) social meeting first.Who's behind the sex worker mask?Sex workers may change their names to protect their identities and to be able to live a more discreet life. However, to create connection with clients, Tyler must be authentically himself so his tastes, desires, and personality remains the same. NOTABLE QUOTES"You can only connect if you are authentic."About TylerTyler is one of Brisbane’s premier Male Companions (Escorts). With over 4 years experience as a male form model, content creator and escort, Tyler prides himself on ability to make someone feel comfortable and at ease even when they are in a situation where they would naturally be at their most anxious. Through his journey he has developed an avid interest in companionship services and how they can be used to enrich a clients life. He believes that sexual outlets are a basic human right and should be accessible by all genders and ability levels. Tyler, retired from Porn, spends his time escorting all over Australia, while studying sex therapies and counselling disciplines, with the goal of providing holistic sexual exploration and embodiment experiences to his clients. USEFUL LINKSwww.tylermathews.com.auInstagram.com/tylermathewsbrisbanewww.empathyfirst.com.auwww.empathyfirst.com.au/podcast
Mar 31, 2022
1 hr

For people to embrace an ever-evolving world, it is essential to make the right changes at the right time. A good change manager is invaluable for ensuring these changes are implemented effectively and efficiently. However, managing change without empathy will affect the organisation and its people financially, mentally, and physically. Today, our guest is Samantha Barr who will help us understand change management through the lens of empathy. We explore Samantha’s meaning of change management, the human-centred design of change management, the role of change practitioners, the need for change managers, the impact on the mental health of a person working as a change practitioner and much more. Today's discussion is so lovely, as Samantha and I discuss all things empathy and change management.TIMESTAMPS:[02:56] - What change is all about?[04:26] - Who needs a change manager?[06:40] - Human-centric design of change management[08:26] - Favourite change management projects that Samantha has worked on[11:09] - Role of empathetic leadership in change management[14:22] - Role of a change practitioner[16:11] - Building trust with the clients as a change manager[21:01] - Pockets of resistance within the change management community [24:42] - What does bad change management look like?[28:34] - The best way for a change practitioner to get people to trust you[32:32] - Her way of working as a change manager[35:06] - Her advice to someone who is going to work with a change managerNOTABLE QUOTES:“If you don't have a leader that is connected to their people, it can really be a huge challenge for the change to be accepted in any way or able to be engaged in the change.” “The most successful change occurs when people are engaged in it.”“Leaders need to be vulnerable, they need to build trust and connection.” “Empathy is not always give, give, and give. If it is you will burn out.”“If you don't know why the change is occurring, you can't talk about the what, the how, or the who.”USEFUL LINKS:Maven Changehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/samanthabarr/https://www.linkedin.com/company/mavenchange/ Empathy Firsthttps://www.empathyfirst.com.au https://www.linkedin.com/in/leannebutterworth/https://www.linkedin.com/company/empathyfirsthq/
Jan 11, 2022
42 min

Hello and Welcome to The Professional Empathy Podcast! I'm Leanne Butterworth and it's my goal to create a more empathetic world. In The Professional Empathy Podcast I seek to understand Empathy and its value in all different professions and experiences. This podcast will enlighten and inspire you to learn about WHAT empathy is, WHY it matters and HOW to communicate with empathy in your life.Hit subscribe to be notified when new episodes drop on your favourite platform.To learn more about my work in empathy, empathy training and quizzes, head to https://www.empathyfirst.com.auAbout your Host: Leanne Butterworth is Empathy Speaker and Educator who runs Empathy First, Lectures Social Enterprise (Empathy and business) at QUT, and works closely with the Queensland Social Enterprise Council. She is on a mission to create a world where everyone feels heard, valued and visible through empathetic communication. Find me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/leannebutterworthI'm glad you can join me.
Nov 9, 2021
2 min

In this episode of The Empathy Podcast, Leanne talks to Liz Wilkes from My Midwives about empathy and midwifery. Leanne and Liz discussed the value of Empathy as a midwife and its importance for moms, bubs, families, and societies. They explore the definition of and value of Continuity of Care, how it differs from medical care, why it is so important, and why relationships are vital in the midwifery continuity of care journey.Liz is a private practice midwife who has been working as a midwife since 1995. Liz has the goal to ensure that every woman in Australia has a midwife who she knows providing care at birth.This is the most beautiful discussion of motherhood and midwifery and I encourage you to share it with mums, dads, families as well as mums- and dads-to-be. Find Liz at My Midwives - https://www.mymidwives.com.auLearn more about Empathy and Empathy Training at https://www.empathyfirst.com.au
Oct 7, 2021
52 min

On this instalment of The Empathy Podcast, Leanne welcomes Amy MacMahon to the show. Amy is the newly elected MP for South Brisbane, and her mission is to help empower disenfranchised communities and create a thriving society through communication and empathy. In this episode, Leanne and Amy discuss the limitations Amy and her colleagues face when trying to help their communities. Amy dives deep into the importance of having empathetic conversations at the grassroots level and listening to the frustrations of all people. She shares advice for aspiring politicians and offers insight into what a day in the life looks like for her. This is a truly illuminating and important episode. https://greens.org.au/qld/person/amy-macmahonhttps://www.amymacmahon.comhttps://www.empathyfirst.com.au/podcastLearn about empathy training at https://www.empathyfirst.com.au/Find show notes on www.empathyfirst.com.au/show-notes
Sep 6, 2021
45 min

Today on The Empathy Podcast we discuss empathy and Disability Inclusion with Ainslee Hooper. We learn about how being inclusive benefits individuals, businesses and communities and the steps we can all take every day to create a more empathetic and inclusive world for those with a disability. Ainslee speaks openly about her experience of having a disability as well as the important work she does as a disability inclusion consultant. This is an important episode.Ainslee Hooper is an Anthropologist & Disability Inclusion Consultant who, through her lived experience of disability and professional expertise, empowers businesses and organisations to remove invisible barriers and reduce the risk of ableism.Links:Ainslee Hooper Consultinghttps://ainsleehooper.com.auhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/ainsleehooper/Instagram https://www.instagram.com/AinsleeHooperConsultingFacebook https://www.facebook.com/AinsleeHooperConsultingTwitter https://www.twitter.com/AHCsltgLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ainsleehooper/Spencer2theWest https://www.instagram.com/spencer2thewest/Stella Younghttps://www.ted.com/talks/stella_young_i_m_not_your_inspiration_thank_you_very_much?language=en#t-35465Leanne Butterworth Empathy Firsthttps://www.empathyfirst.com.auhttps://www.instagram.com/empathyfirsthqhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/leannebutterworth/
Jul 20, 2021
52 min

On this episode of The Empathy Podcast, Leanne interviews multiple Olympic gold medalist swimmer and former 100 metre freestyle world record holder, Libby Trickett. Leanne and Libby discuss the importance of empathy within the pro athlete space and the influence of internal pressure on the outcome of elite sporting performances. They also discuss the vital role of teammates in success and mental health. It's such a fun and enlightening chat. Thank you Libby!
Instagram: @Libby_Trickett
Beneath the Surface: A Memoir
May 12, 2021
38 min

On this episode of The Empathy Podcast, Emma Herbert chats to us about all things Real Estate. We’ll be discussing how empathy within the industry can help boost your sales performance and reputation and why it’s so important for real estate agents to try and be more empathetic whilst still taking care of their own mental health.
Learn more about empathy training at www.empathyfirst.com.au
Emma Herbert can be found at www.crowdbloom.com.au
Mar 14, 2021
37 min
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