In the final look at Fugazi's 1998 album End Hits, Sean, Kevin, and Charlie take a closer look at each song. Production, lyrics, instrumentation, and songwriting are all looked at under the microscope.
Aug 27, 2021
58 min

Sean, Charlie, and Kevin delve into Fugazi's 1998 album End Hits with some help from bassist/vocalist Joe Lally.
Aug 13, 2021
1 hr 23 min

In Episode 2, Sean, Charlie, and Kevin discuss Jawbreaker's 1996 album Dear You track by track, with additional information from drummer Adam Pfahler.
Jul 30, 2021
1 hr 17 min

In their debut episode, longtime friends, Sean, Charlie, and Kevin discuss Jawbreaker's 1995 album Dear You and how they got into the band. Part 2 will go even deeper into every track on the record.
May 18, 2021
41 min