The PressPad Podcast
The PressPad
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Presspad #6: Ice Wine - episode of The PressPad podcast

Presspad #6: Ice Wine

1 seconds Posted Mar 21, 2012 at 6:55 pm.
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As I type this, I am looking at green grass and bright sunshine out my window in Mid-March.  We did have winter in the northeast, however, and we even had a few days where it was cold enough to make one of the most exotic and challenging delicacies ever put under cork: ice wine.  In this edition of the PressPad, we talk with Dr. Debbie Inglis, director of the Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) at Brock University.  Debbie studies ice wine in the laboratory and also produces it in the vineyard, making her one of the most knowledgeable people around when it comes to frozen grapes.  The website for the Inglis lab at CCOVI is: