God has commissioned us all to take territory. Territory is defined as an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state. God has called us to be rulers, and governors in our areas of influence. Though this authority has been given to us by inheritance, the devil wants to make sure we never access the power. The bible clearly states that we (you and I) have the power to tread upon serpents, scorpions, and over all power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). God has not called us to simply be the rulers of our houses, but it is time that we begin to claim that land that the devil has squatted on. That could be a drug house, a park, an area of town known for darkness, or any other establishment where darkness freely prevails. When light begins to pierce darkness, it is a sign of revival. We are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). His glorious light is embodied in us! We bring the light to the darkest of places. We unpack this principle in today’s podcast. How do we bring the light to darkness? By prayer walking! Joshua 6:1–27 reminds us of how powerful our prayers in motion can be. Becky and Preston give life-changing principles, and strategies on winning neighborhoods, and cities through walking, drive-bys, prayer and declaration.
Dec 8, 2020
29 min
In this episode, Preston and Becky take you into their personal prayer time. They teach you how to wait before the Lord, and prophetically listen to what the Lord is saying. It is a power prayer session, you are going to love it. This session will take you right into the throne room of God.
Oct 7, 2020
20 min
In this week’s episode Preston and Becky reveal their hearts, and their cry for intercessors to rise up during this hour. Regardless of fear, or any other obstacles, God has called you to declare the strategies of heaven on earth. Matthew 6:10 says Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. This means that the perfect will of God has already been established for each one of our lives. Our days have already been ordained (Psalms 139.16). We live in an imperfect world that is filled with unrighteousness. It is up to us to speak those things that are not as though they are ( Romans 4:16-22). The only way to learn what to strategically speak is by spending time in the prayer room. Preston and Beck will show you how.
Sep 23, 2020
24 min
Don’t respond in the natural but respond with a Kingdom response. How do I take back what God has given me from the enemy? Don't respond in the natural way, respond with a kingdom response. Pastors Becky and Preston reveal strategies on how to mount up during times that seem insurmountable. God is resuscitating his people. Many have felt like this hour is hopeless, and that we are in the darkest hour. But we know that the word of the says in Isaiah 40:31, They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength... As you digest this podcast, be encouraged, and refreshed. By the time you are done listening to this conversation, you will be enlightened, and prepped for the journey ahead of you. Go get it!
Sep 2, 2020
35 min
Are you willing to pay the cost? In episode 6, Preston and Becky have a conversation regarding what it takes to get the power. If you have been following their show you already know that you have to be in the prayer room. Preston and Becky go into detail about what it means to surrender to the presence of God. Some will pay the cost, and others just sadly walk away. Which one will you be?
Aug 19, 2020
26 min
Life causes us to face challenges that seem insurmountable. Whether it is a job promotion, physical healing, deliverance, or a different obstacle, these types of circumstances always cause frustration when our prayers seem to remain unanswered. In Matt 17:20-21 Jesus teaches his disciples about the power of prayer and fasting. He reminds us that “this kind does not go out but by prayer, and fasting.” In this episode, we discuss the power of combining prayer and fasting. We had a revelatory conversation about how the 2 elements are effective by themselves, but when they are linked, they are thermonuclear and able to end any spiritual battle! Join us as we discover how to effectively use the weapons of prayer and fasting.
Jul 15, 2020
25 min
When we pray, it can be easy to fall into discouragement. Perhaps you feel like the situation is insurmountable. It could also be that you don’t see the significance of your prayer. As James closes out his letter to the 12 tribes which were scattered abroad, he reminds them of the power in prayer. He gives specific instructions on how to pray and how to live. Sometimes our prayers feel like small pebbles in a big pond, but even the smallest of rocks thrown in the water will cause a ripple effect. Try it! Go to a lake, and find the smallest of stones. If you release it upon the waters, the waters will move. Imagine if we use that principle for our lives. Effectual, fervent, prayer hurled into life’s pond will cause waves that will not only change your current situation, but your prayer will do exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ask or think. Get ready to experience the ripple effect in the prayer room.
Jun 17, 2020
23 min
211 degrees is hot, but at 212 degrees, you can power a locomotive engine! A couple of weeks ago I shared a powerful, life-changing message with our congregation about being lukewarm, and about being cold or hot. Revelation 3:15-16 English Standard Version (ESV) 15 says “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. Have you ever experienced a refreshing, cold glass of water on a hot day? It quenches your thirst, and reduces your body temperature. Hot tea is also invigorating. But lukewarm water is only good for growing bacteria, and for activating yeast. If the water is cold, yeast can not grow. If it is too hot, the heat kills the yeast, making it ineffective. Many of our prayers are hot, but they have not power. In this week’s podcast, we delve into how to make our prayers effective. We teach you about what happens when we get to the boiling point of prayer, and how to live the life of freedom and liberty God has for you.
Jun 10, 2020
34 min
There are so many distractions that keep us from breaking through. It is imperative that we understand that prayer is more than just mere words. Prayer should cause everything and everyone you encounter to shift. It is unfortunate that some Christians rarely experience true freedom because they have not been taught how to pray until something happens. Oftentimes we sadly walk away, or retreat. We lose faith in God, grow impatient, and completely miss out on what God is doing. Preston and Becky speak about all of these points and more in episode two. Come join us in the prayer room.
Jun 3, 2020
25 min
The way we are supposed to commune with God is through the vehicle of prayer. For many, prayer has become a lost art, or an ancient language. It was never supposed to be this way. We have been blinded by the hustle and bustle of life. This episode is an invitation to all who are searching for a deeper walk with the father, and for those who want to get rid of the spiritual white noise. Many voices have led people astray, and more than ever we need to know the voice of God. You will be introduced to hosts Preston and Becky Jones, who have been called to lead a new generation back to the heart of God through prayer. Welcome to The Prayer Room
May 20, 2020
50 min
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