Anger and Negativity root cause of all problems
Jan 29, 2021
1 min

In this episode we'll understand need of observing symptoms according it's seriousness
Jan 29, 2021
2 min

Symptoms are the warning and signs that are body indicates us that there's something wrong inside!!! Before it worsens let's just observe these symptoms carefully and treat ourselves.
Dec 6, 2020
1 min

" wounds take time to heal" so be consistent and patient... while treating yourself
Dec 6, 2020
1 min

"It's easier to be happy in good times but what matter's is can we feel the same way in our bad times too"-Radhika Juneja. Let's break the norm and let's be happy let's be positive always no matter what!!!
Dec 6, 2020
4 min

In this very first episode of "positivity pills" we''ll realise that it is possible to become self dependent , happy, cheerful, zealous during the times of pain, anxiety and various problems of our lives that make us cry!! A solution that will help us in becoming strong in worst of worst situations.
Nov 25, 2020
2 min

I'm Radhika juneja and this is my very own podcast where i talk about my experiences, my views and various techniques to live life peaceful, happily no matter what!!!
Nov 24, 2020
47 sec