The Positive Pants Podcast
The Positive Pants Podcast
Fran Excell: Success Mindset Mentor For Business Owners.
Replay Series: Does What You Believe Even Come From You?
12 minutes Posted Jun 1, 2020 at 2:36 am.
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Replay Series: Does What You Believe Even Come From You?


Welcome back to the replay series.  I've been LOVING releasing these and putting a new spin on them.  I've had so much great feedback about how helpful they've been so here's one of my favourites and how it could potentially use it to help you right now.


In the UK we're starting to take the first tentative steps out of lock down and it's an opportunity to make sure we're going into whatever the 'new normal' is from the perspective of being in control of our own lives. 


I know that sounds counter intuitive when we've been forced to stay indoors for months and had to obey all the guidelines and it's been's catapulted us out of our habitual thinking and given us a huge opportunity to question how we do things.


It's allowed us to take a little step back and stop letting our unconscious mind run 95-99% of our lives and take back a little control and responsibility.  It's strangely given us a little power back.


If you use it to your advantage.  Now...if you've been with me a while you understand that pretty much everything we do is habitual and unconscious.  It can be hugely helpful to us AND can HUGELY work against us when we're unaware.


So while things won't be going back to 'normal' for a while, look for the opportunity and change your thinking.  Catch yourself in excuses and stories, challenge those old beliefs and work out where they come from and even try on some more helpful ones for size that will help you shape your reality going forwards.  



