Show notes
Personal updates and discussion with a beloved pen friend as we chatted over the phone, including Doctor Who, and the goofiness of the villains therein. Going over books I’ve been listening to and enjoying.
Working on Hoffman/Stokes romance and consulting Helena for help. Bad things and good things in pairings and enjoyment.
Reading notes about “House of Dark Shadows” from another pen friend who is an avid movie fan rather than a DS fan.
Working with Madam Findley’s character, things coming up in "The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows" for her and consulting Osheen Nevoy about the fun with Osheen’s input. Also mixing things up with knowledge of the 1897 portion of DS.
Sharing an old recording from 2013 in consulting my husband with changes I’d made to Episode 2: “Chamberpots and Coffee Cups”. (Some swear word warnings prior to beginning.)