The Picturing Success Podcast
The Picturing Success Podcast
Rick Sammon and Larry Becker | Photography Business Interviews
119 Steven Inglima and The Deliberate Photograph
55 minutes Posted May 19, 2019 at 10:00 pm.
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Steven Inglima has been a photographic teacher in one form or another since his half ownership of a darkroom rental business and working for EPOI (Nikon’s importer back in the ‘70s). He’s been teaching the gamut from lens design, understanding all form of cameras, large format technique, darkroom skills, digital capture, and post processing controls, etc. etc.

Rick and Steve have a lively discussion peeling back the layers of what makes a photograph have value; how to identify what’s worth capturing, and the process of consistently crafting an image which communicates that worth. If you’ve marveled at your favorite images and wished that you were that capable, imagine being able to make visual statements about what you personally care about which rival these icons!

It’s a reveal about Steve’s class at the Maine Media Workshops this September, about distilling the essence of what makes a great photograph, and how to enable photographic enthusiasts to accomplish this at will..

Workshop web page:­deliberate­photograph/

Personal Web page: