The Pharaoh's Tomb Podcast

The Pharaoh's Tomb

A homebrew Dungeons and Dragons game, set in the continent of Egypt, a slightly futuristic version of our modern world with Egyptian gods, cultures, and traditions.
The Pharaoh's Tomb - Episode 1B Highlights
4.5 hours of listening too much commitment?  Take a look here for some of the shenanigans with zero of the context! 
Apr 8, 2020
7 min
The Pharaoh's Tomb Episode 1B - A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast
Our heroes set off on their adventure!  They meet in the University city of.... wait, didn't we see this alread before?  This episode is in a parallel universe, taking on the same quest with their own kinds of shenanigans!  
Apr 3, 2020
4 hr 24 min
The Pharaoh's Tomb - Episode 1A Highlights
Hey all!  I know a three hour podcast is a lot to ask for, so here's a highlight reel from the first episode!  Just the funny stuff.  If you enjoy this, please check out the full version of the first episode!
Apr 2, 2020
5 min
The Pharaoh's Tomb 1A - A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast
Our heroes set off on their adventure!  They meet in the University city of Tjenu, where they take on a quest to find a golden scarab for some researchers.   
Mar 28, 2020
2 hr 51 min