The Paleo Diet ™ Podcast Podcast

The Paleo Diet ™ Podcast

The Paleo Diet ™ Podcast
Easy Paleo Recipes, Nutritional Science & More!
The History of the Paleo Movement Podcast (April 2014)
The Paleo Diet is your lifelong plan to optimize your health and well-being. Join Dr. Loren Cordain, the world’s leading expert on Paleolithic Diets and Founder of the Paleo movement for The Paleo Diet Podcast. The Paleo Diet provides a program of eating that was not designed by diet doctors, faddists, or nutritionists, but rather by Mother Nature’s wisdom acting through evolution and natural selection. Based upon extensive scientific research examining the types and quantities of foods our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate, The Paleo Diet is now approached by millions individuals worldwide.
Jan 6, 2020
31 min
Folic Acid Folly
We've all been fooled into thinking that folic acid was something we can get from food. In fact, folic acid was first synthesized in 1947, and is now present in all wheat products.
May 6, 2015
33 min
The Real Paleo Diet Cookbook
The intent from the very get go when we working on the design of this book is to show how many of these copycat Paleo cookbooks really aren't Paleo at all, because they put in various ingredients that aren't strictly Paleo.
Feb 27, 2014
21 min
Paleo Diet Recipes: True Paleo or Not?
One of the misconceptions about the Paleo Diet is that those following the lifestyle eat nothing but huge slabs of meat, when really Paleo is all about veggies and fruits and combinations of all of these.
Feb 27, 2014
23 min
Eat Your Heart Out
Dr. Cordain discusses the triggers for the chronic inflammation that can lead to heart attacks, ranging from alcohol and painkillers that can make the gut too leaky, to the anti-nutrient compounds in grains and beans that can be detrimental to our arteries' protective filter known as the glycocalyx.
Feb 27, 2014
29 min
Is Bread the Staff of Life?: Eliminating Grains and Legumes
There is an abundance of evidence that points to the idea that multiple factors in our environment can increase intestinal permeability, including these two food groups and the anti-nutrients they introduce to the body.
Feb 27, 2014
27 min
Salt: One Dash Too Many
Dr. Loren Cordain discusses why consuming a high-salt diet can be detrimental to our health and details what exactly happens to the cells in our bodies when we consume high-salt foods. Find out what the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported as the number one source of salt.
Feb 27, 2014
24 min
Is There a Single Paleo Diet?
None of us in the Western world can eat like our ancestral hunter/gatherers. It's impossible to eat wild plant and animal foods exclusively. We should mimic the foods they ate with our modern foods.
Feb 27, 2014
26 min
Definitive Evidence The Paleo Diet is Mainstream
Dr. Loren Cordain discusses how the Paleo movement gains momentum as the gift by humanity for humanity to maximize and optimize health while reducing the risk for disease.
Feb 27, 2014
13 min
Autoimmune Disease and The Paleo Diet: Case Studies
Dr. Loren Cordain and Trevor Connor, Semi-Pro Cyclist and M.S. Candidate at Colorado State University, Department of Health and Exercise Science, College of Applied Human Sciences trace the medical transformation of individuals with autoimmune diseases before and adter adopting The Paleo Diet.
Feb 27, 2014
20 min