The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund Podcast
The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund
Julia Fisher: Writer and broadcaster
OT492 - Leaving family behind in Gaza - Issa Amash with Paul Calvert - episode of The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund podcast

OT492 - Leaving family behind in Gaza - Issa Amash with Paul Calvert

12 minutes Posted Sep 5, 2020 at 4:30 am.
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Paul Calvert talks to Issa Amash - a Christian from Gaza now living in Bethlehem. Life for Christians in Gaza has become increasingly difficult and dangerous in recent times and although there are a few remaining there, many have come to live in Bethlehem. For Issa, this meant leaving his family behind – it was a costly decision. But life has not been plain sailing for him as you will now hear. Paul Calvert met with Issa recently and brings us his story.

Our aim is to build bridges... To build bridges of understanding and support, in a spirit of reconciliation, between believers (both Jewish and Arab) in the Holy Land (Israel and the Palestinian Areas) and Christians worldwide.