The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund Podcast
The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund
Julia Fisher: Writer and broadcaster
OT490 - Following God's leading - Howard Bass with Julia Fisher 2 of 3 - episode of The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund podcast

OT490 - Following God's leading - Howard Bass with Julia Fisher 2 of 3

12 minutes Posted Aug 22, 2020 at 8:30 pm.
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Julia Fisher talks to Howard Bass - Howard and his wife Randi moved from the United States to live in Israel almost 40 years ago, and have been living in BeerSheva ever since. Why, I asked him via zoom, did they decide to leave the good life in America and move to Israel?

Our aim is to build bridges... To build bridges of understanding and support, in a spirit of reconciliation, between believers (both Jewish and Arab) in the Holy Land (Israel and the Palestinian Areas) and Christians worldwide.