The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund Podcast
The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund
Julia Fisher: Writer and broadcaster
OT488 - The House of Hope during Covid-19 - Zayid Banourah with Paul Calvert - episode of The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund podcast

OT488 - The House of Hope during Covid-19 - Zayid Banourah with Paul Calvert

12 minutes Posted Aug 8, 2020 at 8:30 pm.
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Paul Calvert talks to Zayid Banourah - The House of Hope in Bethlehem cares for young people and adults who are blind and children with special needs. It is a Christian charity and the chairman is Zayid Banourah. I have visited this wonderful place many times and always the love and kindness shown by the dedicated staff towards these vulnerable people has been amazing. Paul Calvert is a broadcast journalist who lives and works in Bethlehem. During the recent Covid 19 pandemic he visited the House of Hope and spoke to Zayid and started by asking him was the house open when the virus hit Bethlehem in early March?

Our aim is to build bridges... To build bridges of understanding and support, in a spirit of reconciliation, between believers (both Jewish and Arab) in the Holy Land (Israel and the Palestinian Areas) and Christians worldwide. House of Hope article by Ann Pawson