The No Film School Podcast
The No Film School Podcast
No Film School
Does This Year's Sundance Signal the Death of Truly Independent Film? NFS Live Pt.2
53 minutes Posted Jan 31, 2019 at 12:00 am.
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Emily Buder, Erik Luers, George Edelman, Ryan Koo and Jon Fusco are all together again in Park City to give you a rundown of everything that happened at the Sundance Film Festival in 2019. It's been a crazy week full of screenings, interviews, and generally just trying to stay alive, so you best believe they've got more than a few hot takes to throw your way.
In addition to sharing their favorite films and what they're sad they missed, the team identifies a few trends that could end up re-shaping the future of the industry. This is Part 2 of No Film School's live audio coverage from Sundance 2019.

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