The Newman Show
The Newman Show
Callum Newman
Ep 32 John Robb and Open Source Insurgency: Political, Robotic, Violent
44 minutes Posted Mar 29, 2016 at 7:27 pm.
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On March 8, Callum called John Robb to talk about the insurgencies happening all over the world.

 John Robb is a military analyst, technology entrepreneur and author of the book Brave New War. He also writes the Global Guerrillas blog. 

In the podcast they discuss:

Why Donald Trump isn’t running a political campaign but a political insurgency and why it matters…

Why Trump is the first true social media candidate…

Which part of America Trump is appealing too and why he has the Republican elite scared…

John’s impressions as an American living in the wake of 2008…

Why John’s concept of the ‘hollow state’ is replacing a declining nation state…  

How John’s experience in technology suggests 90% of jobs are at risk of automation…

Who’s leading the robotics revolution: Silicon Valley or the US military?

The US military’s vision for the future of war…

How robotics could change warfare between nation states…

If ‘Skynet’ is a risk we should worry about with the robotics revolution…

What he found so striking about ISIS as a student of warfare…

Why the oil boom is a good thing in regards to geopolitical flashpoints... 

Where a population boom will drive war and disruption for the next century…

Plus more!