The New Activist
The New Activist
International Justice Mission
Old Skool Cafe
29 minutes Posted Jul 13, 2017 at 3:30 am.
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As a juvenile corrections officer, Teresa Goines saw first-hand the problems facing the youth in her area. But, instead of simply accepting that reality, she took many bold steps to help solve the systemic issues—eventually opening Old Skool Cafe.

This youth run, jazz-themed, supper club serves as an intensive real-world vocational training ground, employment incubator, supportive cohort, income generator and connection point with a larger community that champions their success.

This week, we talk with Teresa about Old School Cafe, how it’s making a difference in the lives of young people and to actually effect change in local communities.


The New Activist is a joint production of The RELEVANT Podcast Network and International Justice Mission. This episode is presented by IJM. Take 20 seconds, fill out this form, and ask your elected officials to fully fund critical legislation. Thank you! T: @newactivistis + FB: newactivistis