The New Activist
The New Activist
International Justice Mission
Brit Gilmore
24 minutes Posted Jun 29, 2017 at 4:00 am.
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You may have seen the keys on the necks of Hollywood actors, musicians and models. But there is a bigger story behind the trendsetting accessory. The Giving Keys employs those who are transitioning out of homelessness to make inspirational jewelry, helping them out of poverty while also raising awareness about the issues behind America's homelessness problem. This week Brit Gilmore, the President of The Giving Keys, gives insight into what it's like leading a fashion and activism movement.


The New Activist is a joint production of The RELEVANT Podcast Network and International Justice Mission. This episode is presented by IJM. Take 20 seconds, fill out this form, and ask your elected officials to fully fund critical legislation. Thank you! T: @newactivistis + FB: newactivistis