the naked truth Podcast

the naked truth

Red Letter Christian Conservative Adult Bible Study "My doctrine is not mine,but His who sent Me. If anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on my own authority. He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but he who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him." John 7: 16 -18
Numbers 15 REQUIRED Raiment: Tassels?!?
Among other forever ordinances the congregation is commanded to have tassels on their garments specifically with a blue thread also; where are your tassels?!?
Jun 8, 2022
37 min
Numbers 14 40 Year Sentence for Sass?!?
The congregation face doubts and fears after emancipation from slavery in Egypt only to be punished for it with 40 years hard labor through the wilderness, being barred from entering the promised land, and a death sentence including a plague for the generation that was promised deliverance.
Jun 6, 2022
51 min
Matthew 17 Reincarnation
Jesus is transfigured with illuminations and Old Testament figures appear with Him to some of the disciples.
Jun 6, 2022
1 hr 10 min
Numbers 13 Spies & Giants
Ancient Aliens fans may recognize the references to Anak and how closely it resembles the Ananaki (ancient mythology, perhaps) giants.
Jun 6, 2022
17 min
Leviticus 18 Not All FWBs Are Forbidden
According to Leviticus being gay is an abomination, but so is lobster, crab, shrimp, and pork so where are the protests against seafood suppliers and bbq restaurants?? Could it be that people focus on LGBT condemnation most because they wrestle with their own desires and tendencies toward interest in the LGB and ESPECIALLY T community and the sex practices thereof?
Jun 6, 2022
52 min
Numbers 12 The First Racists Spark Instant Karma; How Do We Get More of That?!? 🤔
Numbers 12 Shunned for Sass & Instant Karma for Racism (AT LAST)!! Moses’ siblings get in their feelings, seemingly racist feelings and sass Moses for his interracial marriage, but in more Biblical patriarchy only Miriam pays a physical price.
Jun 6, 2022
28 min
Leviticus 3 Mighty Morphing Menu!
Food regulations begin
Jun 5, 2022
21 min
Matthew 19 Fast-track Fame & Fortune?? Ban the Bible
If you want to get rich, move mountains and demand change in America, true social justice, and did I mention get rich and if you desire, famous there’s one thing you can do to grab it Alf it’s free! Read along with me, God be with we 🥰
Jun 5, 2022
1 hr 3 min
Numbers 11 Instant “Karma” for Sass?!?
The congregation crave a different menu and die for it. Just as so many right-wing republicans claim they want small government but would die if all their government subsidized welfare (from Medicare and VA Benefits to SNAP and employer subsidized insurance) were actually cut off. Tough love is what’s sometimes needed when your child only wants candy as the meal; letting them eat it until they get sick once is generally enough to cure that sort of foolishness; yet instead “conservatives” are indulged with entitlement until they are blind to their own support of what oppresses them.
Jun 3, 2022
58 min
Numbers 10 Commoners on the Frontlines to Shield the Elites
Just as in modern times the wealthy elites use a combination of religion and politics to govern and herd the common people into sacrifices to enrich and protect them, the ancient elites did the same with the movement of the congregation through the wilderness. Contemporary political voices convince the downtrodden that they’re in the same boat by projecting attributes they themselves enjoy onto their theatrical political enemies while those not a part of the circle are excluded by force.
Jun 2, 2022
53 min
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