The Mother Jones Podcast
The Mother Jones Podcast
Mother Jones
Parkland Teens Are Throwing Everything at the Midterms
33 minutes Posted Aug 15, 2018 at 3:00 am.
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Six months ago, a group of students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, changed the way America talks about guns. Before Parkland, it was relatively safe for many Democrats to oppose gun reform, but now they—and even some Republicans—are coming under intense scrutiny ahead of the midterm elections. To mark the anniversary, Mother Jones was given rare access to top student leaders, including David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin, at a critical moment in their movement—to discuss what they've learned, and what's next. In this episode, we travel to Newtown, Connecticut, as activists stage their final rally in a nationwide voter-recruitment drive. And we host an exclusive, intimate roundtable about the pressures of being held up as "superheroes" or "saviors."