Tips and Tools to help you better understand all that you need to do in order to be successful. Mindfullness takes work, but the true peace it brings is worth it. Grab and pen and some paper, and again sorry for the microphone variances. I got a new microphone midway through recording this podcast! Everything should be smoother sailing from here on out!
with music from Amy Steinberg-EXACTLY, life is but a dream by the harptones, Icarus by Doppel
Oct 10, 2018
30 min

With brainfood from The Way Of the Bodhisattva by Shantideva to set the tone. Taking a step back is about finding a reason and beginning your journey of a mindful path.
The second half of the podcast is a live recording. It includes some brain food, visual meditation and empty space for you to practice from home!
Music credits:
The Journey by Sol Rising
Collapsing outside your doorstep by Air France
Metamorphosis: Metamorphosis Five by Philip Glass
Jun 28, 2018
43 min

Episode #1
With readings from the shambala's library collection. The way of the bodhisattva by Shantideva and The Path of the Warrior by Chomgyam Trungpa. and a foreword from His Holiness the Dali Lama, the tone is set and we begin a journey to authenticity and true happiness.
These text is illuminating and beneficial to all of mankind, not just Buddhist practicioners.
Music credits:
The Journey by Sol Rising
Feather Magic by Nature Tribe
You're driving me crazy by Django Reinhardt
A Stream with Bright Fish by Brian Eno and Harold Budd
Hope by Fat Freddies Drop
Jun 10, 2018
20 min