Episode 14 - Acceleration and Ascension to 5D Acceleration, ascension and awakening - oh my! Join me in a fun discussion about what this all means, why ascension and polarity are speeding up, what to do about it, how to ride the ride, and finally, most importantly, how to live with love, in love, and for love. Join the FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1515436855309451
May 19, 2022
21 min

Episode 13 - How Breathwork Can Change Your World Let's explore the amazing world of breath and breathwork. Did you know doing breathwork sessions can decrease stress, help fight depression, boost your immune system, boost endorphins, increase athletic performance and so much more! It changed my life and can change yours too! Wim Hof 11 minute session for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tybOi4hjZFQ FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1515436855309451
May 12, 2022
21 min

Episode 12 - Microdosing and Preparing for Ayahuasca Join me in a candid discussion about microdosing, what it is, my experience, Ayahuasca and my thoughts and preparations for my upcoming ceremony! Energy Healing Scheduling: https://calendly.com/themindbodydesign Join the community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1515436855309451 Other Podcast Episode on Microdosing: https://sites.libsyn.com/400943/episode-6-microdosing-and-psychedelics-in-healing
May 5, 2022
25 min

Episode 11 - Sound Baths and Sound Healing Let's dive into sound baths and sound healing! We'll discuss brainwaves, how sound affects matter, emotions, the soul, the chakras and more! You'll also learn what a sound bath is and get to experience it. References and Video: https://themindbodydesign.com/sound-baths-and-sound-healing/ Special scheduling at a discounted price: https://calendly.com/themindbodydesign/sound-bath-discount Join the community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1515436855309451
Apr 28, 2022
19 min

Episode 10 - Quantum Jumps (What are they and how you can do them too) This is a very special episode where you get to listen to episode 1 of ANOTHER podcast that I have where 3 intuitives and energy healers get together and candidly talk about all things! This episode is all about Quantum jumps, what they are and how you can do them too! Where you can find The Mystical Quantum Goddesses Podcast: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4HjTXBGFzyLnNN03cNvDuQ Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-mystical-indigo-goddesses-podcast/id1609793831
Feb 16, 2022
54 min

Episode 9 - Healing with the 5 Elements Let's talk about the 5 spiritual elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space/Spirit and talk about how we can use each one for deep healing. We will talk about the attributes of each element as well as how to decide which one to use for the desired healing. Written Podcast, references and breathwork session: https://thewitchysideoflife.com/healing-with-the-elements/ FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1515436855309451
Jan 17, 2022
23 min

Episode 8 - The Healer, The Witch & The Magic Do the words Magic or Witch scare you? What about Healer? Let's take a dive into the arena of energy healing and see how this may or may not overlap with some magic and even uncover some truths and mistruths about Witches. Wondering how this all overlaps? Give it a listen! FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1515436855309451 Schedule a healing appointment: https://calendly.com/themindbodydesign
Dec 6, 2021
14 min

Episode 7 - Reiki Energy Healing and The Quantum Field What is Reiki Healing nd how does it relate to the Quantum Field? Well, if this is a burning question in your mind, you will LOVE this episode! I will beautifully intersect the two so you can see the tangible science behind the beauty of Reiki Healing. Join The Mind Body Design Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/themindbodydesign Scheduling: https://themindbodydesign.as.me/ Coupon Code: PODCAST
May 4, 2021
15 min

Episode 6 - Grounding and Healing Never before in human history have we been so disconnected from the Earth, which is contributing to our unwellness. Did you know the Earth's surface has an endless supply of free electrons that can bring your body back into balance? Let's chat! Join the FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/themindbodydesign
Dec 9, 2020
10 min

Episode 5 - Why aromatherapy can rock your world! Dive into this episode to learn what aromatherapy is and why it is a great fit for a healthy, holistic lifestyle. We'll dive into what essential oils are, how to use them, things to look out for, and why you might want to add them to your health regime! Plant Therapy: https://bit.ly/2VtYSry FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/themindbodydesign
Dec 3, 2020
12 min
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