The MetalSucks Podcast
The MetalSucks Podcast
MetalSucks and The Orchard
Warbringer's John Kevill on The MetalSucks Podcast #181
1 hour 4 minutes Posted Mar 27, 2017 at 7:38 am.
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This week we talk with John Kevill of Warbringer. He discusses the long delay between records, the starting-over process that occurred between album cycles and the direction of the latest record Woe to the Vanquished. We also get into his knowledge of history and his take on the current era -- the best time to be alive, according to him -- and he throws down an epic Arnold monologue per our request.

Brandon and Petar introduce you to Brent Hinds' new fast food restaurant, tackle the Harlott vs. Slayer similarities and break down the argument of plagiarism vs. homage, and discuss why Tool joining streaming services so late may work in their favor. 

Warbringer - “Silhouettes”
Warbringer - “Remain Violent”

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