In the last few years I have figured out a way to hone in on how to tackle my own mind not get distracted or procrastinate and make the most out of every opportunity. It is very easy to drag tasks on for hours and hours if you don’t have the proper tools that you need to succeed. Having the ability to focus on the tasks at hand and completing them quicker than you anticipated them taking allows for more time to be freed up throughout your day in which you can then get more things done. It turns into a vicious cycle of accomplishing tasks quicker and more efficiently . Getting more done in less time comes down to three things: 1. Obligation scheduling. 2 Effective efficiency. 3. Present focus.
Sep 12, 2017
12 min

An inventory of never-completed projects, initiatives and objectives doesn’t get you to success. Learning to actually finish your mission is one of the best lessons you’ll learn as an entrepreneur. Finish what you start with these five steps. 1. Decide to finish. 2. Make a plan. 3. Start. 4. Make your deadlines. 5. Don’t just finish, complete.
Sep 6, 2017
6 min

We're told from a very early age that patience is a virtue. However, very few of us are ever really shown or taught how to be patient. Patience is not something we have; it is something we consciously do. Patience is like any other hard-earned discipline: The more we practice it, the more patient we become. To be successful, we need patience when it comes to employee relations, business negotiations and communications, as well as achievement of the strategic goals we've set. Further, we have to remain calm amid the big and small twists and turns that come with life. It is only through being patient that we can truly learn from the curve balls which get thrown in our path. Here are eight benefits of practicing patience: 1. Positive rewards 2. Smart decision-making 3. Builds reputation 4. Self-possession 5. Tolerance 6. Hope 7. Positive team culture 8. Excellence Patience takes time and conscious effort to master, but impatience can lead to our demise. As Thomas Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
Sep 1, 2017
12 min

In this episode, I will explain to you a very interesting fact that all successful people have in common. It’s actually more than just a fact, its an entire theory called, “The Iceberg Theory of Success” and I will explain this to you to show you how important it is to do whatever it takes on your path to success. Don’t be in a hurry to get to the top. Focus on your foundation. Focus on what below the surface. Allow the iceberg to grow through your hard work and dedication. If you try to build the top of your iceberg to quickly without having a solid foundation below it, your iceberg may crack and collapse. Be patient. Work hard. Give the maximum amount of effort and you will live in the Iceberg Theory of Success.
Aug 29, 2017
14 min

The “power of positive thinking” is a popular concept, and sometimes it can feel a little cliché. But there are many positive effects to positive thinking such as reduced stress, more confidence, better health, and improved moods. There are many ways to define positive thinking. It could be having a positive image of yourself, talking positively about yourself or being generally optimistic through life but these are all pretty general and basic. If you want to be effective with your positive thinking you will need more concrete ways to do so to help you through the process. Here are the 7 best tips that I found for positive thinking. Start the day with a positive affirmation Focus on the good things, however small they may be. Find Humor in negative situations Turn your shortcomings into learning opportunities. Transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk Focus on the present. Surround yourself with positive friends and mentors.
Aug 25, 2017
13 min

There are going to be many times in life where you must make the choice to follow what makes you truly happy or to choose to constantly be worried about what pleases everyone else. It may be difficult to go against what others may say will make you happy but you have to know who you are and what it is that you want out of your life. You must have a clear vision and commit to it. You know yourself better than anyone. You know what emotions you are experiencing. You know you. These are the things that I found that will help you identify true happiness.
Aug 23, 2017
15 min

Effort is a majorly overlooked key to success and it is rarely talked about. Effort will ensure that you make the most out of every day of your life. Effort is the only thing needed in order for you to be successful and get to where you want to go in life, but it sure is an absolute must and something that lacks in many people who desire massive amounts of success. This is a n episode dedicated to the importance of effort and how to put forth your best effort.
Aug 18, 2017
11 min

The average human has an 8 second attention span which is less than that of a goldfish which is why honing in your ability to focus has never been more important than now. When I was a kid I struggled with ADHD and I was told that I would need drugs to keep my mind able to focus. Not wanting to be hooked on pills my whole life, I knew that I had to find a way to control my mind on my own. These are the 5 skills that I learned to maximize my ability to focus and to accomplish anything in life. 1. Prepare Your Brain 2. Understand Where Your Focus Needs To Be 3. Unplug 4. Exercise Your Mind 5. Take Action
Aug 15, 2017
21 min

The first step to making the most out of life is to decide what it is that you want to accomplish. Know what it is that you want to do and go after it. The second is to expect the most out of life. Life is here to serve you and you must expect it too or else life will just pass you by in the blink of an eye. The next step is to slow down and live your life. Stop rushing through life thinking that you are missing something. The only thing you are missing is your own life. Fourth, is that rules are meant to be broken. Why should you just follow the rules without questioning their validity first? Regret nothing in life. You cant go back and change. You can't get a do over. SO go forward and embrace who you are. Lastly, you are not alone. You have people around you who will support you and keep you going, Keep those people close.
Aug 11, 2017
21 min

There is a difference between being talented and being ambitious. Having talent is when you have a natural aptitude or skill toward something and can accel at it. Talent is a gift that some one has when it comes to doing something. Then there is ambition. Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something regardless of you skill level. Ambition is a desire coupled with determination and hard work. Which is more important? Talent or ambition? Talent means nothing if you don't have the ambition to follow it up with.
Aug 8, 2017
6 min
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