The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Empowering Go-Getters on Their Journey to Greatness
The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Empowering Go-Getters on Their Journey to Greatness
Consultant, Author, & Speaker Christie Lindor
Demystify the Consulting Hiring Process from the Mindset of a Campus Recruiter
1 seconds Posted Sep 29, 2017 at 3:26 am.
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Quick Wins interview with Sammi, a seasoned top 10 consulting firm campus recruiter specifically focused on hiring first-year analysts. This is the 3rd installment of our Welcome Back to Campus series, specifically focused on undergraduate and graduate students seeking to begin a consulting career. In this episode, Sammi helps demystify the recruiting process and provides insights on the process from a recruiter’s perspective.

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For this episode, we will be doing a segment that I call Quick Wins. It’s actually the campus edition. If this is your first time tuning in, Quick Wins is where we have an opportunity to connect with an individual discussing products, services, ideas, anything related to helping people along their journey as a consultant, and helping them with their toolkit. For this episode, I actually get a chance to connect with Sammi. Sammi is a campus recruiter, specifically focused on hiring and selecting consulting candidates. I can’t wait to share the interview with you. This is episode 18, it’s our third installment of our Welcome Back to Campus series. We’ve got one more but excited to have conversation. I think you’re going to find it extremely helpful, particularly if you’re in the throes of a consulting interview or starting to go through the recruitment season at this time.
Before we pivot, two things I want to highlight with this episode. It’s the timing we are in at this moment. I sit in the US where I’m in North America. I know I have go getters listening to this show across the world, which is phenomenal. I want to send out my prayers and thoughts with all of the people that’s been recently affected by a lot of the hurricanes and the earthquake. Across, up, and down the North American landscape, we’ve had a lot of really, really tragedies happening. At the same time with tragedies I’ve definitely seen demonstrations of human resilience, and people coming together, which is great.
I wanted to shout-out the people in Texas, Florida, and all of the Caribbean Islands that were affected. Most recently it was the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, St. Martin, Anguilla, St. Croix, Dominica, Barbuda, Cuba, Turks and Caicos. I know Haiti was affected a bit. There was the earthquake in Mexico. I wanted to shout out all of people out there, I definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Go-getters, if you know someone that’s been affected, please reach out to them. If you know that someone may have had family, go ahead and check in on them.
I would also recommend during this time, we walk together, really check out helping, if it’s monetarily or if you can give it’s a great time to be able to donate, because people are really going to be rebuilding their lives and they need a lot of stuff. I wanted to mention, I know there’s the American Red Cross, there’s the Catholic Charities Organization, Salvation Army is pretty great. Both were not only for financial donations, but also for if you’ve got clothes, or you got different household types of products, things that people are going to need to rebuild their lives, now go getters is really the time to do so. Please check them out. Also be wary there are, with these types of times, unfortunately some people take advantage. You want to be leery and make sure that you are giving, but you’re giving to credible organization. Definitely take heed to that. That was one thing I wanted to mention, just where we are right now in the world to really put my thoughts out for people affected.
Interview with Sammi
I’m super psyched to introduce and welcome Sammi to the show. Thank you for taking time to join us on The MECE Muse Unplugged. How are you doing?
I’m great, Christie. Thanks so much for having me. It’s my first podcast so I’m excited to be a part of it.